Help from anyone attending the O2 Exhibition


Proud Member
Mar 7, 2009
Southampton, UK
I heard someone say you can only spend 30 mins in the Exhibition, is this true? i hope not.

Also, i heard that you aren't alowed cameras? please say i'm wrong
On the Exhibition website it says -
''Photography and filming of the “Michael Jackson: The Official Exhibition” is strictly prohibited.'' :(
the tickets just have a specific entry time (say, let's you enter between 11-11:30, or 11:30-12, etc.) but you can stay in there for much more than 30 mins...
Yep, no cameras I'm afraid.

But there are pics on the official website and more will be added.
When someone goes, could they check or ask if there will be an exhibition book & that along with the other stuff is going to be sold online? I'm not going to be able to go, so i am hoping for them to at least sell the exhibition book online if there is one. Thanks.
Can't help but think AEG don't play by the rules... so why should we. Every arena you go in anyway says no photography it seems...yet people take no notice of that rule.
The thing is how would they know if you spend more than 30 mins in there? They are not gonna rember every single person and the time they went in hahahaha
i hope its not only 30 mins, its a long way to travel for that.
when i went to tht King Tut one there was no time limit.