Help! Earth song demo (what about us) lyrics


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just need the earth song demo (what about us) lyrics to do a translation file

i just can't find it. I can't hear it clearly, especially the ending part.... which is different from the CD version

THIS IS IT used the demo version.

Someone knows? Please share!

Thank u so much!!
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I requested the same thing.No response till now.I'll post em here if someone will give em to me.
what about yesterday?

What about everything?

what about their lives?

what about yesterday?
what about our lives?
what about everything?
what about our sign?
what about...
I didn't even see
what about...
what about them?
what about...

I can't figure out anymore.
"what about the dream"

lol it's so hard to understand.
Maybe he is saying ``what about them`` not ``dead``
Well, one of the nights I went to watch TII at the cinema we had booked ( By mistake ) a showing with subtitles.
All I can say, Is that almost every other line he said, " What about everything " like he just hadnt got the lyrics yet and was just filling it in with that until he knew what they were gonna be. :lol:
What I can hear is

What about the dream
what about anything
what about everything
what about the dead
what about animals
what about destiny
what about animals
what about the dead
what about all the kids (I think)