heirs to the King of Pop great article


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
pls dont say things like "no way no one can ever come close to mj" because this is a GOOD article ok

There are few performers who had as big an effect on music as Michael Jackson, and there are more than a few stars whose careers were influenced by the King of Pop's example. Take a look at some of the performers who owe their careers to Michael Jackson, and who may also have a shot at filling his shoes.

Kanye West

It's no secret that Kanye West takes after Jackson in many ways, from his eye-popping fashion sense, his revolutionary songwriting skills and his steadfast belief in his own talent. It's this belief that's probably responsible for both West's and Jackson's success in the first place — failure was not an option.

Justin Timberlake

Timberlake, possessing smooth dance skills and an angelic, impossibly high singing voice, left his bubble-gum boy band for a solo career that quickly set the music world on fire. He then showed off his other skills, from writing his own songs to producing albums to being a surprisingly snappy dresser. Sound familiar?


Beyonce has more in common with Michael Jackson than you might think. Both were entered into the music industry by their manager fathers, and both immediately became the breakaway star of their respective singing groups. Much like Jackson with the Jackson 5, Beyonce left Destiny's Child to pursue her own music career and quickly showed that she was a skilled singer, songwriter, dancer, actor and fashion icon


Much like Michael Jackson, Ne-Yo is said to have an inherent understanding of the music business, showing an uncanny ability to turn out hits. (The name "Ne-Yo" came when a music producer joked that the performer could see music in the same way Neo could see computer code in The Matrix.) He knows how to rock a good suit while still keeping the beat and has already been nominated for ten Grammy Awards since 2007, winning three of them


Since exploding onto the music scene in the late '90s, Usher immediately showed off his impressive, sweet singing voice. And, if that weren't enough, his dance moves were so slick and precise, Jackson himself might have been jealous.
Well, COMPARED to Michael Jackson they all suck!!!

So I wouldn't call them HEIRS!!! Sorry.
every artist out there in most genres has been influnced consciesly or unconsciously by mj..thats a fact..even if they don't acknowledge it, there will of been a time where they took something from him or been inspired by a piece of his work...the line has ended now...it wents

sammmy davis..james brown...michael jackson.....the torch was passed down fom these great entertainers and now the line has stopped because mj didn't meet the next in line...mj took from those be4 him and met them as did james brown as did sammy...it goes on n on...but who toook from mj?
They are not his "heirs", they are his imitators.

while i agree, i think it will be hard to find anyone completely original because everyone seems to have been influenced by Michael the Great in one way or another...

thank God they weren't all influenced by MC Hammer

ooooohhhhh i just reached "69" posts......saucy!!!!!!

DOH!!!!! this makes it 70

I will give it up for Ne-Yo (good songwriter and decent voice), Beyonce (great performer and wonderful voice) and Usher (strong vocalist, dancer and performer). Justin for me is pretty much a joke. I used to be a big fan and I still like his music, but he can't sing, dance or perform well. He isn't exceptional at anything. Kanye West is a rapper on the other hand, so I don't get that comparison but I will say that I find him to be creative and I like his music. One of the few rappers I like these days.

However, with all that said, none of these people are heirs to MJ. They don't have a fraction of his talent or impact and i'm not gonna pretend to be nice and say they do. They don't and in my opinion, it's a joke to compare any of them to Michael. There's Michael Jackson and then there's EVERYONE else. He's in a league of his own and a ONCE IN A LIFETIME talent and personality. No one around today comes close and certainly not anyone on that list. None of them have a chance in hell of being as big or bigger than MJ. It's not even possible. Why look for a replacement anyway? Just let those artists do their thing and leave MJ and his legacy where it is. No one can ever replace him or come close.

Why do people always do this to MJ though?! I don't see the media and others looking to replace Elvis, Aretha, James Brown,etc. Why do that to Michael? He is in a class of his own and no one alive can replace him or fill his shoes, bottom line. Enough with these silly comparisons. These artists aren't worthy of being copared to MJ, period. He can't be replaced.
Everyone has influences and so did Mike, I agree with that. But then you have to take what you have learnt from those influences to another level and make your own distinct style out of that. Mike did that. The artists above did not, IMO.
I will give it up for Ne-Yo (good songwriter and decent voice), Beyonce (great performer and wonderful voice) and Usher (strong vocalist, dancer and performer). Justin for me is pretty much a joke. I used to be a big fan and I still like his music, but he can't sing, dance or perform well. He isn't exceptional at anything. Kanye West is a rapper on the other hand, so I don't get that comparison but I will say that I find him to be creative and I like his music. One of the few rappers I like these days.

However, with all that said, none of these people are heirs to MJ. They don't have a fraction of his talent or impact and i'm not gonna pretend to be nice and say they do. They don't and in my opinion, it's a joke to compare any of them to Michael. There's Michael Jackson and then there's EVERYONE else. He's in a league of his own and a ONCE IN A LIFETIME talent and personality. No one around today comes close and certainly not anyone on that list. None of them have a chance in hell of being as big or bigger than MJ. It's not even possible. Why look for a replacement anyway? Just let those artists do their thing and leave MJ and his legacy where it is. No one can ever replace him or come close.

Why do people always do this to MJ though?! I don't see the media and others looking to replace Elvis, Aretha, James Brown,etc. Why do that to Michael? He is in a class of his own and no one alive can replace him or fill his shoes, bottom line. Enough with these silly comparisons. These artists aren't worthy of being copared to MJ, period. He can't be replaced.

AMEN! haha totally agree.
Usher for me is decent, Beyonce's alright, Ne-yo he should dance more lol though I like his vocals, Kanye dig the style - the shades- other than that meh.

Now to Justin *exhale* is a joke and talentless seriously fine I'll give him the talent of dancing but singing? really singing? one more falsetto from him I break his throat off! Man stop hitting those high notes you sound awful! to JT fans I'm sorry if you highly regard this man but I see no talent in him.

I'd like to point this from Cinnamon's post
There's Michael Jackson and then there's EVERYONE else. He's in a league of his own and a ONCE IN A LIFETIME talent and personality.

this is why no one will ever come close to Michael! Sure they had several hits, won awards but tell me when they start breaking every record there is like Michael did, that's the time we can say we should name another KOP. although In my opinion that would be unlikely to happen

One last thing I find it ridiculous when people do this 'comparison' because Michael is incomparable-- start comparing other artists if they've equal/topped Michael's achievement.
It's funny how the media is in such a rush to give the title King Of Pop to someone else. You don't see them in any rush to take away The King Of Rock N Roll title from Elvis Presley
Their are no heirs to Michael Jackson, and all of the above from Justin Timberlake, Usher, Beyonce, Neyo and Kanye West are average at best. And none of them are genius, which Michael was in singing, dancing, songwriting/composing and producing. Michael was a visionary, none of the above are as they are just standard and just the best of today's average talents.
The big difference between Michael and all those above is that Michael was influenced by a lot of different people. He took small portions of them, mixed them together and made them his own by adding his own creativity to them. All the above only show Michael as their influence. That's why there is no comparision in all fairness. I found out that the "toes" move that Michael made one of his trademark moves is taken from a dance that James Cagney did in a movie called "Yankee Doodle Dandy". It is a black and white film about the Cohen vaudville/Broadway family. When I saw Cagney do that move, I just knew that is where Michael got it from. It is little things like that, that made Mike so unique. He didn't have just one influence and they were not necessarily common or obivous influences. That is what was so great about his creativity. Mike also had a vast knowledge of the world by the time he was 21 and restarted his solo career. You have to know something about something to be influenced by more than just one person or subject matter. I don't think any of the above has a true understanding of that. I think that was the key to Mikes uniqueness along with his great creativity.:yes:
They are good entertainers...but, I don't think we'll be hearing much about them in ten years' time.

They may be good artists in their own ways but they don´t even come CLOSE to Michael, especially Kanye West, he doesn´t even come close to being a so called ´hier´
haha tell me why is everyone interested in this King Of Pop title??I mean why nobody talks about King of Rock and Roll or Greatest Rock group ever???Why we have to target things related to Michael and why there is even need of a new King Of Pop.Media and fans talkin about King of Pop King of Pop,why??Why don't you guys talk about new King Of Rock and Roll or Greatest Rock Group ever???Please answer my question why you guys have to target this King Of Pop title all the times???Will you guys get billion $$ for making any new King Of Pop??will you???I am really frustrated with media saying self proclaimed King Of Pop and these fans who want a new King Of Pop to born..Get over it,Michael gave up his whole life for that musical career.There is nobody out there who gave up his whole childhood,all his life and achieved such uncomparable musical achievements.None of the Artists today can't even dream of surprassing Michael.It really makes me angry people talkin about this King Of Pop title over and over again.Yeah Mike is gone but the way he has affected this world nobody will ever forget him or his music.People like Kanye,Usher,JT,Beyonce will come and go but Michael will stay forever and ever.
Kanye West?

''o-m-g you listen to that bitch?
woah is me, baby this is tragic
cause we had it, we was magic
i was flying, now i'm crashing
this is bad, real bad, michael jackson
now i'm mad, real mad, joe jackson
you should leave your boyfriend now, i'ma ask him''

Yeah...lyrical genius!!! :ursofunny:

Michael's 'king of pop' title is his, and it always will be. Anyway, why would any artist be content with being 'the next' of something. Surely they would want to be innovators in their own right and have their own title. I enjoy most of the artists mentioned, but none compare to Michael!
Beyoncé, Ne-Yo, and Usher are the only ones as young as they are with talents really amazing, as MJ did. Of course they aren't as talented, but they kick major ass.

Also, Beyoncé has better fashion than Michael :3
Whatever! Rihanna's fashion sense>>>>>>> Beyonce's lol

Michael was a trendsetter too, everyone wanted the "Beat It" jacket. No one is copying Beyonce's style :p
Just my own opinion there will never be another The King Of Pop likes Michael Jackson nobody can't take his crown away from him.