Hedren Urges Jackson Fans To Help Captive Tigers..

MJ TinkerBell

Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
Where Michael IS..Is where you will find Me <3

Hedren Urges Jackson Fans To Help Captive Tigers..July 1, 2009


The Article:1#


Actress TIPPI HEDREN is urging MICHAEL JACKSON fans to honour the star by helping the exotic animals she rescued from his Neverland ranch.

The Birds star adopted the King of Pop's two tigers, Thriller and Sabu, when Jackson was forced to give up the private zoo at his Santa Barbara estate in 2005.

Hedren has been looking after the creatures at her animal sanctuary, the Los Angeles Shambala Preserve, which is home to 68 tigers, lions and other big cats who have retired from the entertainment industry or are unwanted pets.

Hedren admits she informed Jackson's former pets about the star's tragic death last week (25Jun09).

She says, "I went up and sat with them for a while and let them know that Michael was gone. You don't know what mental telepathy exists from the human to the animal. But I hope they understood."

She's hoping Jackson fans will mourn the superstar by donating to her organisation and joining her campaign to bring in a law banning big cats being kept as pets.

According to Hedren, nearly 600 people have been killed or permanently maimed by captive big cats in America in the last five years.

She says, "You're taking an apex predator and saying, 'Let's make a pet out of him.' It's insanity. We're hoping very much that people will wake up and say, of course, it's nonsense to keep these animals as pets."

Other animals from Jackson's private zoo have been separated amongst sanctuaries and individuals since the star's financial problems forced him to close his zoo.

The star's most famed pet - chimpanzee Bubbles - is living at the Center for Great Apes in Florida, with sanctuary bosses there also urging fans for support.

The Source:


The LA Times Article:2#

Tippi Hedren says she's told Michael Jackson's former pet tigers about his death..July 1, 2009..


Michael's Beloved Tigers - Thiller and Sabu

Actress and animal advocate Tippi Hedren, who runs the Shambala reserve, which now houses Michael Jackson's pet tigers, says she has notified the animals of their former owner's death.

"I went up and sat with them for a while and let them know that Michael was gone," Hedren told AFP. "You don't know what mental telepathy exists from the human to the animal. But I hope they understood."

Jackson asked his longtime veterinarian to find the best homes available for his animals when his private zoo was being dismantled, according to a statement on Shambala's website. The vet suggested the Acton, Calif., reserve, which houses about 70 big cats, for Jackson's two Bengal tigers. The tigers, named Thriller and Sabu, arrived at Shambala in 2006.

In the wake of Jackson's death, Hedren is urging his mourning fans to take action for the big cats he loved by supporting legislation to ban breeding them for use as pets.

Other animals from Jackson's zoo were sent all over the country; most famously, Bubbles the chimpanzee went to the Center for Great Apes in Florida. Flamingos went to a New Jersey zoo and giraffes to a sanctuary near Lake Powell on the Arizona-Utah border. Both Hedren's Shambala reserve and the Center for Great Apes have placed requests for donations for the care of Jackson's animals on their websites. Shambala's site notes that, like most of the exotic cats it cares for, Thriller and Sabu "came with no bank account or dowry."
- Lindsay Barnett


The Source:




The Shambala WildLife Preserve Website:

Tigers in Crisis - Information About Earth's Endangered Tigers :

Wild Tigers could be Extinct in 12 years if Unprotected :

MJ TinkerBell..:wub::agree:
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Wow...Such a great cause and those tigers look stunning! Especially the baby ones :D