Heaven Chose You - R Kelly [New song]


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2008
Manchester, England
A song that will possibly be on his new album 12 Play Fourth Quarter.

This song in my opinion is classic Kellz. His vocals are just perfect in this song.


Hollaback with your thoughts on this.

[[[ Edit: Anybody know why the link doesnt turn into a video in the post, instead it stays a link? ]]]
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now, that sounds good. Way better than the last one you posted.
his leaked material has a handful of good cuts, but in just about all of them the lyrics ruin the whole vibe for me. looking forward to the album, though.
This is a pretty decent track.

He always has a fun track here or there or something I like, but overall, he's just not the same. He's trying real hard to fit in and stay current when in actuality if he just kept making music like he did before he'd be current. His stuff from the mid-90's still sounds current and fresh to me. Maybe not 12 Play, but the self-titled and "R." albums both sound fresh.
i dug this track and this is the direction musically and vocally where i dig him the best.
This song just reminds me of Kellz back in the 90s. Just amazing. I hope he gets back to making timeless hits.