Heartbreak Hotel - Was it going to be performed?

The Moonwalker

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Harrogate, England
Hey guys,

I don't know if anyone else noticed this, but in the 'Meet The Band' featurette the bassist (and band for that matter) are clearly playing Heartbreak Hotel!

Is there any confirmation or something that shows that Heartbreak Hotel was going to be performed?

I noticed that as well.............

I love that song!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think it would have been performed.

I don't see it fit in on the set list.

I think they rehearsed A LOT of MJ songs. Many of which was never even ment to be at the set list.
It could of just been the band rehearsing it. Who knows, they could be keeping certain things from us that they will suprise us with one day.
I think it would've been played at some point, I mean 50 shows in the same venue.....you're gonna have to mix the set up a bit.

Wasn't there talk of 'Working Day And Night' being jammed at some point between Bearden and MJ too?

The set on the DVD is the meat and potatoes of the set list, rotating other songs around that might have been the plan, who knows.
OMG that would have been awesome if he had rehearsed that song!

I remember seeing footage of him performing it for the bad tour, and he done it fabously!
on the itunes exclusive featurette "The Musical Experience" Bearden talks about him and the band playing Heartbreak Hotel and MJ saying he would love to perform that. then bearden says then why cant we and he says that MJ told him "production value, production value!" which i think means MJ wanted a certain theme for each song and different video screens for each song and HH didnt really fit the show :)
thank you for the information!
I wish he rehearsed at least one song from Invincible in full :(
@mgm94: Interesting! Does that itunes featurette feature other interesting things? Can it be bought separately?
its very good but you have to buy the movie to get it :)
it shows a long setlist and the fans votes all the way up to like 25 :)
bearden talks about the setlist alot and cutting different songs which is good
they should have put this onthe dvd as its now one of my fave featurettes :)
but you cannot sync it to your ipod
dont know why, just not able to, can only play it on itunes
sorry max1tyler2 is me, i set up another profile a while back and sopmetimes it comes up as that :)
@max1tyler2 - cool, so it actually shows the vote results of the fans? :) Can you please tell me where "Another part of me" is placed?
@ remington - i will but i will have to watch it again
i will try and set up a thread with the song results :)
OMG!! If was planning on doing Heartbreak Hotel, I'd DIE!!! srsly, one of my fave songs!!! I would LOVE to see that...I noticed they were playing it too!
I was watching Meet the Band last night , and i noticed Alex AL say that HbH was just like a kind of warm up between songs , like getting some notes right etc... nothing special but it did sound funky as hell though , looks like they were having a good time playing it to :)