health advice


Proud Member
Oct 8, 2004
Hello MJ fam :wub:
As this is the 'general chit chat' section... I'll just 'rant' whats been bugging me :angry:

Can a Chronic Tendinitis REALLY be cured????

I've had it all... Surgery, meds, fysio (just my last treatment tomoz) and it goes 'up and down' like a rollercoaster... The fysio therapist 'claimed' she could HEAL me :blink: BUT it only gets worst :doh:
I'm so fed up with docs :mat: only 'testing' me... scanning me... pumping me full of drugs :blink: I now 'refuse' to take :angry:
I seriously DO NOT TRUST them anymore...

So please, if anyone had any probs with tendon inflammations??? WHAT ELSE should work?

Okay, I'm 2 finger typing this with my brace 'back' on and the 'heat' of the brace is kinda 'soothing' but it still 'hurts' like hell
Thanks and take care :upside_down:
Is fysiotheraphy physical theraphy? If so, the physical therapists and doctors I saw also claimed they could heal me, but of course it was just a bunch of ridiculous crap. I'm already a very active person--I go on long walks almost every day (and, weather permitting, I always walk to and from work instead of taking the bus, so it's not like lack of activity is the issue). In short, they refuse to do anything to help me. I complied to do their stupid physical therapy program, which they claimed would only take 2-4 weeks, but almost all the people there had been there almost three months, some of them had even been there twice. What a great program...not.

So, after about two weeks of intense Hell (they make you do five to seven hours of intense exercise, it's f--ing ridiculous), I quit. Since they practically refused to give me any medicine or anything to deal with the stiffness and the pain, I take sleeping pills to sort of numb some of it. It works.
ARGH... sleeping pills :tease: DO BE CAREFUL, Severus Snape.
Well, It was just 'massage' ... Ultrasone (that felt burnmarks now :angry: ) and 'electro shocks' naps or whatever they are called...
I couldn't believe she told me... I NEED to go back to my GP and 'nag' about a form for an 'echo' to PROOF I have this inflammation and I NEED the 'shock' therapy... Fysio, meds and injections :swoon:

I thought... "excuse me, didn't I suffer enough already?"

The fact is I can 'control' the pain without meds instead of all these 'stupid' stuff... I have this 'plan' thats already 'affective' BUT of course NOT 'accepted' by them... So Thanks for your reply Severus Snape and i'll just stick with MY scedule as its MY BODY :smilerolleyes: