Healing tape that Michael Jackson sent to Mr. Morita of Sony.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi ! I searched but couldnt find this video here.

Thank you for sharing it's beautiful. Anyone can explain what is said in Japanese ?
Michael sent the cassete tape in October 1993 to Mr. Akio Morita, the founder & then-Chairman of Sony, when he learned that Mr. Morita had collapsed due to brain stroke. Yoshiko Morita, Mr. Morita's wife shared this beautiful episode in July remembering how caring, sweet he was. The TV report is based on her episode. Michael's hand-written message on the casset reads, "Mr. Morita's healing tape Michael Jackson; Healing joy M.J. Play 3 times a day (underlined) right before awaking, before sleeping and mid day." So Yoshiko played the tape for Akio every day as instructed, until his death in 1999. Oh so, so sweet! When we learned of the episode, many fan requested her to share with us, so she did.

Michael met Mr. Morita for the first time in 1987, when he visited Japan for Bad Tour. Both Akio and Yoshiko attended the Tokyo concert. Then Micharl called Akio, and said that he was not satisfied with the concert, his vocal was not great. He wished to show them a much better performance next time and asked them to come to his concert again. He apologized again and again (he is always so humble, isn't he? Amazing). Then Moritas invited Michael to their home for a dinner party; Michael and Akio stayed all night, playing with Akio's collection of antique/vintage musical instruments (e.g. street organ, musican box, player piano, etc.). Funny story about Michael at the dinner; Michael loved Japanese pear, ate a plate full of it, and did not share it with anyone else, lol (he was vegetarian at that time, I guess). She also talked about his next concert; she was with him on the way to the concert. Michael was surrounded by many many fans, fans asked for his signature, hand shake, etc. and Michael responded to the fans with smile all the way. She was very touched by his sweetness.

Also Yoshiko says in her episode that Michael asked Akio, "How can I capure young people's heart?" , "What should I do to be respected?", "Who should I trust?". Actually in 1993 Michael called her many times, asked for her help. She regrets she could not help him much as she was nursing her husband. R.I.P.

If anyone is interested in her episode, go to Morita Akio library site;
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Thank you very much for the explanation !
Michael was such a caring person....and surely he knows how the power of the subconscious mind by playing the tape to help Mr Morita get better.
I haven't heard this tape before. Thank you for sharing. He was so thoughtful, our Michael...
That's so very sweet. He was such a beautiful caring person.
What a lovely thing to do.
No newspaper,no magazine,no channel have mentioned about this as well as a ton of things Mike's done for people. Why they are so obsessed with dirt,fake and bad news? What a sad world...
No newspaper,no magazine,no channel have mentioned about this as well as a ton of things Mike's done for people. Why they are so obsessed with dirt,fake and bad news? What a sad world...

they don't care.... if they reported this they would have to come to the conclusion we all have of michael.... a loving, giving, caring, selfless person with great compassion.

if they reported this side.... they might have to come to terms with how they have treated this man for 15 years. they would have to realize how horrible they are.... the truth hurts.
I had heard this tape before actually, having searched the web for all the most beautiful, unique and compassionate videos of Michael. Too bad the general public isn't shared these type of videos, but I guess we have the one-sided media to thank for that.

A true genius and the most caring and gentle soul I have ever known has left us.
I love you forever Michael!
Hi ! I searched but couldnt find this video here.


Yes i have seen that video, Michael was just a good great kind person, caring for everybody he could, I know media would never report these kind of stuff, only the ones with an open mind and a good mind of course can see the good caring stuff he did, the ones running the media are stupids, cant they see what is really happening??? NOW IS DIFFERENT , now majority loves Michael cause they have discovered he really was a good man, media will have to change their negativity, im saying it for its own good, hating MJ is not working anymore, people now cares for Michael in a good way, im not saying there are still haters, but they are mostly jelous people who only hate cause they cant have a successful life

That video was the most painfully sweet, adorable thing I have ever seen. I am not one of those people who start crying every time they see a Michael Jackson video now, but I have to admit that this made me a little misty-eyed. :(

What a gentle human being.