HEAL THE WORLD Signature Series


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Middle of Nowhere
Hi everybody,

I really like this version of HEAL THE WORLD "Signature Series".
During this song, Michael talks about his foundation, but my English is poor and I don't understand what he says.

Somebody has a transcription of his words ????

Please, help me !!!

Well. I just listened to the song again, and typed his words.
English is my second language, so there may be mistakes. But overall you should get the picture of what hes telling.. Enjoy. Such a pure soul...

Heal the World Organizations is formulated to heal, really.
Be the children, be the ecology, people in general. And its a non profit organisation, is something I always wanted to do.
That is what inspired the song "Heal the World", wich was written here, in my house.

Our goal is to change the world, to change the world continence, about children, ecology, and the planet, to make it a better place for everybody, starting with the children. That's the future really, and i'll stick with it forever, until its done.

It's forever, it's not a publicity stunt, it's not something that we try to do as a vehicle to launch a single or an album. It's something that is.... directly from my heart, i'm doing it because i sincerely care, and love ***Something I can't hear*** and wanna help out, i really feel glad for these kids.

I guess you feel the pain, when just hearing about these things we see on the television, or on the radio, you know the statistics about the kids. I mean, I heard that this year 2.000.000 children, 2.600.000 children died from just preventible diseases, and millions of children dies of child abuse, or just violence, wich you know, does'nt have to be, and I feel bad about things of this type.

You know, Sometimes i feel so guilty, when i have dinner or breakfast, cause i realize so many people don't have those simple things, that we so much take for granted. People they sit at the table and pray and all that, wich it's beatiful. But it's TO DO SOMETHING, it's the theme, not just, you know.. You HAVE TO ACT!
So I think it's important to help out as much as you can, if one person just help one child, they've done so much, you know, you can do that, it would be beatiful, just to help one person, it will be a lot, it's a big step foreword. Cause, theres a lot to be done, and children all over the world are in such a need.

I feel so pure that I can't do this, I feel ***Something I don't understand***, I really do, I feel that I done what I'm suppose to do on the earth, i compelled to do these things i feel.

And the kids are the best, they're wonderful.
Glad you're happy :D

It took 15-20mins to write it down, some parts I had to listen to several times.

It's a great tune, so take a look everybody that does'nt know this one..
there was a upload a few days ago. i dont know where i've downloaded it. but i have downloaded it cause it was a better version.
but i could upload it to the 2000 watts section, if needed.