Heal the world / god hates the world


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

this song uses heal the world tune and basically sings about anyone in any army in any country who choose to kill in the name of peace, i believe the song is right but there is no need to involve "god" in the song, its about people killing people according to some guy who's safe in an office somewhere telling OTHERS to go and put their lives on the line...

what do you think?
It's not the Heal The World tune, it's the We Are The World tune. And, sorry, it's not about killing in the name of peace. These people believe God is killing soldiers to punish the world. According to them, God hates everyone in the world who is not part of their church. Find out more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westboro_Baptist_Church
This has been posted before, i'm not religious in anyway shape or form but if God hates the World so much then why does he create it? he must Hate that "Church" then if there going about saying B.S. like that.
Man....In my opinion, those people are out of their minds. Isn't that Shirley Phelps religion? The Westboro Baptist Church? They're pretty hard core. They're total anti gays in the darkest form possible and were known for protesting in funerals and memorial services for military men who died, with signs like "Thank God For Dead Soldiers".

These people have a very nutty perspective on "God".

I'm not big on religion myself but damn... The God I remember being taught about was about love and sacrifice.

Their god seems more vengeful and filled with hate.

These people are everything that Michael stood against. I believe everything and anything about them should be banned in all parts of MJJC.

They even tried to protest against mj at his funeral...remember?
Ok, so yeah... This IS indeed Shirley Phelps religion. Just researched a bit. Only about 100 members in it and about 80% of them are actually family members....

This explains the music posted above. They made it. lol.... A bunch of fruit cakes.
You can find some pretty disturbing vids of Shirley Phelps and her religion on youtube.
The Fox news clip was pretty hands down about these folks when interviewing her.
She keeps this fiendish grin throuh out the whole thing too.
Its pretty weird.

Anyways, forget this "We are the world abomination" video. Don't give it any attention. It's just what they want. I heard a few seconds of it and closed my browser.
I remember hearing about the westboro baptist church! I seriously don't understand their intentions or their ways. I'm a deep believer in Jesus Christ but this church has no idea.
I remember they tried to stop MJ's funeral & they did a massive protest last year but can't remember what it was for.