Heal The World For Children - Will You Help Us Plant Trees on Earth Day 2010?


Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
The Netherlands
Heal The World For Children would like to invite you to celebrate International Earth Day!

In the month of April with your help we aim to raise awareness of environmental issues and the need to take care of our planet, a message very close to Michael's heart.

To do this we will be planting trees with children and dedicating them to Michael in different cities around the world:

Los Angeles - April 10th, Streets of Northidge (8.30am - 12pm) (with TreePeople.org)

New York City - April 24th, Clove Lakes Park/ Staten Island. (9.30am - 2pm)

London, Galati/Romania and Mexico City

Here are some ways you can get involved and make Michael proud:

  • If you live where we organize events, please email us ( healtheworldforchildren@gmail.com ) to sign up and for more details!

  • If you live somewhere else, please look up one organization that is planning similar events in your area and consider volunteering with them. Please join us in celebrating this day for Michael by planting your own tree sapling and sending a picture of you and the tree to our email address. We will put up a gallery of your pictures on our website!

  • You can also help us raise funds for trees and our upcoming Children's Festival on Michael's birthday by buying a "Giving Tree" mug on our website!

On our Facebook page, you can see some pictures from the lovely tree planting event we already held in Mexico City:

Much love,
Your friends at HTWFC



For more information about Heal The World For Children you can also check out this thread by MJJC's Legacy Project:

Thank you Mrs. Music and HTWFC. I know there isn't an official event for HTWFC in my city. Having said that, I am volunteering with my company to clean up various areas around the community. Being that I'm in a large city, I'm thinking there will be events where we can plant a tree. I will check it into it.

Peace and love...:angel::wub:
No events I can see here in Turkey BUT I have just planted a mandarin tree and a lemon tree just to do my part. :yes:
Thankyou for such beautiful work everyone!

I've been involved in similar projects(in India) for a looong time, since the day Michael entered my life and showed me the real meaning of L.O.V.E... and because of him I shall continue doing my part in making this world a better place:flowers:!God bless us all!
I'm sure this makes him very proud! We love you with every breath Michael and thankyou for everything:flowers:!

Great job soulmum :)
I checked and there 13 events scheduled on behalf of Earth Day for my city. They range from clean up of the parks, planting flowers, caring for trees, visiting conservatories; you name it. The events span the entire week. In addition to what I'm doing with my company, I'll have to see which one of the events I will visit. In addition, my sister and I may be planting a tree in her back yard.

Another thing I did was when I reordered checks for my checkbook. I added a statement right about my signature "Love & care for our planet" and selected a wildlife background and also a tree graphic as well. I'm sending a message to anyone who sees the check. It's all for L.O.V.E. :wub:

Great job everyone. I'm so happy people are caring for our planet. :angel:
I checked and there 13 events scheduled on behalf of Earth Day for my city. They range from clean up of the parks, planting flowers, caring for trees, visiting conservatories; you name it. The events span the entire week. In addition to what I'm doing with my company, I'll have to see which one of the events I will visit. In addition, my sister and I may be planting a tree in her back yard.

Another thing I did was when I reordered checks for my checkbook. I added a statement right about my signature "Love & care for our planet" and selected a wildlife background and also a tree graphic as well. I'm sending a message to anyone who sees the check. It's all for L.O.V.E. :wub:

Great job everyone. I'm so happy people are caring for our planet. :angel:

Aw that's a really sweet idea. :)
I'll be at the New York event and I hope to see you guys there! :yes:
Thank you. :angel: I also just donated 25 more trees to Arbor Day and 25 more trees to Nature Conservancy; all for Michael. We are going to replenish the forests before you know it. HTWFC, Arbor Day, Nature's Conservancy, etc; there are so many initiatives to plant trees. Michael really cared about our planet, so we must carry on with his message and mission. Thank you HTWFC for your efforts to spread the message. It's all for L.O.V.E. :wub:
Hi there! WE are a group of fans from Romania. Seeing that the city OF Galati/Romania, where the event took place already and is too far from my home town, and couldn't go. I've decided to do the same thing here in Cluj-Napoca. Today with a group of students and their teachers, we gathered for Michael to plant trees.

I hope everybody will do the same.

Thank you to everyone who is behind this foundation and who is carrying Michael's message.
^ Great job everyone! It's very good to read you are all so aware of our planet and doing your part. :clapping:

Good luck to those that are helping out with the NYC planting trees event today!


The Giving Tree mugs have arrived!

It’s an actual picture of the giving tree on both sides of the mug. 100% of the proceeds will go towards our Earth Day events and 2nd annual Children’s Festival. 100%! Whichever country you purchase from, the funds will go to that region’s events (if we don’t have events in your area, they will be shared among all locations).

It’s $15 plus shipping and handling and you can purchase it here:


We are shipping it from the US so if you’d like to save on shipping charges outside of the country, combine your orders with your local friends or let one of our staff members know and we can bulk ship it to them.

Here's an example of the actual mug:
I just got back from the New York event and it was wonderful! We planted lots of trees in Michael's honor and then had a picnic under a tree and listened to his music. It was wonderful to meet my fellow NY fans and to connect with people who love him so deeply, while doing our part to help the environment.

It was a gorgeous sunny day and I think there will be pictures to share!

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Thank you everybody! Yes, the events were wonderful.
Pics in our May newsletter, now on the website www.healtheworldforchildren.org

We also have a wonderful letter to Michael written by little Edna, and we mention lots of other initiatives that carry on Michael's message, including the Cluj/Romania tree planting event.
