He would say"I'm still with you guys."


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
East New York ,Brooklyn N.Y,USA
:cheeky: I know he's been gone for 1 year but I know he would say in sweetvoice whispering in your ear that he is still with us and that HE's still alive and you say to yourself,Who's saying that ?,Where are you ? I know you're gone,You don't walk this earth, You're at Forest Lawn,at your final resting place.ect... but his spirit is with us,not only today but always and when you think of him ,wherever you are,he's there with you,So continue to remember him and listen and suddenly feel a breeze of cool air coming across your face,Maybe feel a kiss,ect..He is there with you and don't be afraid because he is continuing to tell you that HE LOVES YOU eventhough he's not here physically on earth.I wish he still was alive also but GOD NEEDED HIM MORE and could see that He was on deep pain,Emotionally and Physically and he felt that Michael Had enough. Be Strong Guys. It's gonna be awhile to get over but we'll get through this together:angel:
:cheeky: I know he's been gone for 1 year but I know he would say in sweetvoice whispering in your ear that he is still with us and that HE's still alive and you say to yourself,Who's saying that ?,Where are you ? I know you're gone,You don't walk this earth, You're at Forest Lawn,at your final resting place.ect... but his spirit is with us,not only today but always and when you think of him ,wherever you are,he's there with you,So continue to remember him and listen and suddenly feel a breeze of cool air coming across your face,Maybe feel a kiss,ect..He is there with you and don't be afraid because he is continuing to tell you that HE LOVES YOU eventhough he's not here physically on earth.I wish he still was alive also but GOD NEEDED HIM MORE and could see that He was on deep pain,Emotionally and Physically and he felt that Michael Had enough. Be Strong Guys. It's gonna be awhile to get over but we'll get through this together:angel:

THIS is the most wonderful post ever :cry: it made me cry but in a good way....thankyou so much for writing this, it means so much to read something like this today...cos I always thought that...it has struck a chord with and makes sense to me :cry: :huggy: :heart: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:cheeky: I know he's been gone for 1 year but I know he would say in sweetvoice whispering in your ear that he is still with us and that HE's still alive and you say to yourself,Who's saying that ?,Where are you ? I know you're gone,You don't walk this earth, You're at Forest Lawn,at your final resting place.ect... but his spirit is with us,not only today but always and when you think of him ,wherever you are,he's there with you,So continue to remember him and listen and suddenly feel a breeze of cool air coming across your face,Maybe feel a kiss,ect..He is there with you and don't be afraid because he is continuing to tell you that HE LOVES YOU eventhough he's not here physically on earth.I wish he still was alive also but GOD NEEDED HIM MORE and could see that He was on deep pain,Emotionally and Physically and he felt that Michael Had enough. Be Strong Guys. It's gonna be awhile to get over but we'll get through this together:angel:

:cry: It's so surreal to think that Michael is not here "anymore" again. I just cant wake up from this reality. I miss him
:cheeky: I know he's been gone for 1 year but I know he would say in sweetvoice whispering in your ear that he is still with us and that HE's still alive and you say to yourself,Who's saying that ?,Where are you ? I know you're gone,You don't walk this earth, You're at Forest Lawn,at your final resting place.ect... but his spirit is with us,not only today but always and when you think of him ,wherever you are,he's there with you,So continue to remember him and listen and suddenly feel a breeze of cool air coming across your face,Maybe feel a kiss,ect..He is there with you and don't be afraid because he is continuing to tell you that HE LOVES YOU eventhough he's not here physically on earth.I wish he still was alive also but GOD NEEDED HIM MORE and could see that He was on deep pain,Emotionally and Physically and he felt that Michael Had enough. Be Strong Guys. It's gonna be awhile to get over but we'll get through this together:angel:

Your post has made me cry again. And I do agree with what you had said. Especially since I did had another dream about Michael last night. As I usually do around this time every month. So I do know he is still with us. But it still just hurts so damn much not to feel his presence on Earth anymore. And because of that I can never really be happy ever again. Not when Michael was my happiness. I remember this time last year being really happy until 6:30 that night came. And I had literally felt all the happiness I had ever had being forever torn out of me. As well as my heart shattering in to tens of millions little tiny pieces. Sadness, pain, misery, and depression is all that I had ever felt ever since that horrible night last year.
I know there are moments when I feel Michael with me. Today I went and sat in the woods to cry and talked to Michael for a long time. I asked him to stay with me for a long time, that I needed him around if he could do it, and I told him how much I missed him, loved him, ached for him, etc.

As I walked back to the house, a huge drop of water fell onto me from out of the sky. It has been extremely hot here with no rain to speak of. I wiped the water off my leg and looked up at the tree above me - no dew, no moisture to be seen.

I decided that Michael was crying, too... and he was trying to show me. God, it made me so sad and so happy at the same time. :weeping:
your post is beautiful.

the part where you said he was going through physical and emotional pain really got to me.
oh michael...what were you going through :cry:
One of the most beautiful posts I've ever read since Mike passed..
Much love to you ruchie.
It's exactly what he tells me everytime I look up the sky and ask "are you there baby?"
It's so soothing..
I can definitely feel his spirit, I feel it all the time. The strongest I ever felt it though was when I went to see the Thriller Live show in London, his spirit was sooo strong it was surreal, I felt like he was going to peer from round the curtain at any moment watching.
I can definitely feel his spirit, I feel it all the time. The strongest I ever felt it though was when I went to see the Thriller Live show in London, his spirit was sooo strong it was surreal, I felt like he was going to peer from round the curtain at any moment watching.

me too. :angel:
I didn't think I could cry anymore! Thank you for your lovely post ruchie. I know his body is at FL but his beautiful spirit is everywhere. I know that and maybe when my grief isn't so great I will feel his loving presence.
I will never forget and I will love him forever.
I wouldn't have made it without without you guys. I guess it's no accident we all found each other. Thank you MIchael:wub:
I thank you for your post. That was absolutely beautiful. You are right he will always be with us if we believe. I look up at the sky and whenever I see the brightest star I know it has to be Michael.
I know there are moments when I feel Michael with me. Today I went and sat in the woods to cry and talked to Michael for a long time. I asked him to stay with me for a long time, that I needed him around if he could do it, and I told him how much I missed him, loved him, ached for him, etc.

As I walked back to the house, a huge drop of water fell onto me from out of the sky. It has been extremely hot here with no rain to speak of. I wiped the water off my leg and looked up at the tree above me - no dew, no moisture to be seen.

I decided that Michael was crying, too... and he was trying to show me. God, it made me so sad and so happy at the same time. :weeping:

this whole thread makes me want to cry.
Beautiful, true words indeed. :cry:

Michael will always be here. :heart:
Yes, he is always with us. I wish everyone could really feel that. I love that you wrote in caps HE LOVES YOU ... I've been writing that as well the past few days, like someone whispered in my ear to remind everyone. Thanks for this beautiful thread. :heart: :angel:
Thanks for this thread and those beautiful words.Every day is is still like a roller-coaster and it doesn't seem to get any better,but I see little signs from him everywhere..and I smile,sometimes through my tears and sometimes of pure joy.I sometimes think I'm going crazy too " am I imagining things? " Perhaps,but this love feels so real.

It's nearly 11 am and I'm still awake.These past few days have been..weird,especially yesterday.So many mixed emotions,this feeling of going back in time and that strange numbness too.I didn't go anywhere,I didn't feel like doing anything but having a peaceful night.
There was a bright moon.It was beautiful,but it wasn't that what really touched me.I was here,with the only light of the computer screen and some candles of different colours that I had put on the window,that was open,next to where I'm sitting.
The night was finally quiet and everything was in silence (I didn't feel like listening to much music),though I was playing cry on and off at the beginning of the night.
Then,at around the time I learnt about what happened last year a very soft rain started to fall from the sky.It only lasted a little while and it was so soft everything is dry as if it had never happened,but I found it so soothing and I felt as if it was Michael's way of singing that cry song only for me :wub:

He will always be with us.