He was everything I loved about music.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I remember seeing him perform on Motown 25 at eight years old and thinking my life would never be the same. I see that and still today I get goose pimples. His music has lifted my spirits and helped me thru some really hard times. My aunt and I loved him dearly and when she passed away I listened to Off the Wall, Thriller and Dangerous on a continual loop. It was the only thing that brought me peace. He never had a chance to really live and that is the devastation I feel. He gave so much and turned the world upside down with his music but all he ever got was bullshit and innuendo. I loved him thru all the bad press and never once was my faith shaken in him. There are so many bandwagon jumpers that were so cruel when he needed positivity, it personally makes me sick to my stomach. I am just devastated. I wish him and his family (especially his little ones), peace. He is in the arms of the angels, walking with GOD, where he can be protected and appreciated. His legacy lives on.

Jeez, would have never thought this day would come. RIP Michael Joseph Jackson, the greatest talent to walk this earth.