He supported charities more than any other artist!!!

Jan 17, 2004
That's what pisses me off so much about the media, even after his passing, they BARELY talk about how generous this man was. How much he gave to charity, he gave so much to charity that it was more than any other artist.

While it's great what U2's Bono does...he always talks about it and makes sure everybody knows about him doing that. And thats what i apreciated so much about Michael. He never bragged about it, when asked about it, he'd simply explain his reason but he never went out and acted like 'here here people, look at what i do for charities' none of that at all. Because it was from his heart, as he said it himself.

But it's not like the media didn't know about this, cause they make sure they get to know pretty much everything, but only report the negative crap, i really don't recall much articles on Michael about how he always went to children hospitals when on tour and ALWAYS giving money away.
This man really ain't getting the credit he deserves so much. At least..the people he has helped will always be thankful and they know what a incredible person he was. So again...fuck the media, really makes me mad.

These losers should take a look at this, and report some more of it....

I know it's ridiculous how the media ignores this. Even Prince said during his speech at the Grammys that his father spent his life helping and donating to all charities. He worked hard to give back. Instead he was portrayed by the media as a weird, freak or something. Not the caring and big hearted person he was.
I'm glad he didn't brag because the press then wouldn't leave him alone to do all this fantastic and inspiring work he did. It's great what Bono does but he talks about it left right and centre. He gets big headed about it. Michael didn't and continued that way.
Michael never wanted to talk about it as he didn't think it was right too. As he said 'true charity comes from the heart.' People like Bono, Sean Penn etc make sure the press are there and talk about it. Michael never did and that's just one of the things that makes him so special.