He can still comfort us!


Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
I had a thought yesterday. Michael can still be our light, still comfort us. Although I grieve for his physical presence- he is everywhere, in his videos, his songs. At first I just couldn't look at my MJ stuff or listen to his music but no, that lovely feeling of loving him has come back. He will never be gone in the minds of those who loved him-including his fans. This is the very first time I have felt at peace since June 25th. I am still grieving, but moving on and moving forward. Dr. Murray's trial will be rough on all of us, but if we keep this thought, that Michael is in a better place and that he is still very much here in our hearts I think as a community we can move forward with hope and continue Michael's legacy.
Just my thoughts.
i feel happy saying this ( i know this of of topic)
ok i just feel happy/sad at same time
your post/ideas give me good premonitions (of something that has not yet happen)
or it could happen in the next few days
(or unknown reasons the last few days i have the strangest feelings
i keep feeling someone'eles pain and have strange visions at same time)

now speaking of michael i know michael is happy in heaven watching over us
about dr murrey trial
there is no new news
if he will go to to jail for the murder of michael we will find out
in the few weeks
I agree. Michael is all around us and I feel his spirit all the time. Michael had so much love for everything and anything. Love never dies.
I agree. Michael is all around us and I feel his spirit all the time. Michael had so much love for everything and anything. Love never dies.

Yes. Michael is love and love lives for eternity. :yes::heart:
always...he will always make me smile...he learned us well!
I agree with you guys even though I am still in mourning for him. And I will be for the rest of my life. But he always did and always forever will bring comfort to me when I really need it the most. It was just 2 days ago I had have my most happiest dream about Michael since before that horrible June day. And I know and believe it was Michael coming to me and really wanted to comfort me. Since the day before I was really crying and missing him like beyond crazy. I just wish that dream had lasted forever for me.