He can really bring a song to life


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael's fantastic vocals can really bring life to a song. Take the songs Can You Feel It, Say Say Say and Torture for example, their allready great songs to begin with but when Michael comes in with his madly good vocals it just gives that songs an extra boosed of energy and really brings it to life

Does anyone else feel the same way?
When he sings and he emotes it sounds very sincere, a lot of these singers today - especially the ones who turn up on x-factor lack that sincerity in their voice/singing its like they are trying to hard to get the emotion in there... They come across as fake.
yeah.. i totally agree. sometimes you don't know where the good songwriting ends and the great vocal begins. MJ makes it a moot point. all you know that if MJ is on a song, you think of it as a great song. i certainly do, anyway. and i know MJ has a lot to do with it.
Michael's fantastic vocals can really bring life to a song. Take the songs Can You Feel It, Say Say Say and Torture for example, their allready great songs to begin with but when Michael comes in with his madly good vocals it just gives that songs an extra boosed of energy and really brings it to life

Does anyone else feel the same way?

I do :happy: I find the first part of Can you feel it kinda boring :mello:
Then Michael starts to sing and Bam! :wild: :lol: the song comes alive.. the same with Say say say and Torture too, I so get what you mean :yes:
I do :happy: I find the first part of Can you feel it kinda boring :mello:
Then Michael starts to sing and Bam! :wild: :lol: the song comes alive.. the same with Say say say and Torture too, I so get what you mean :yes:

i do agree with what you say. lol

although i like can you feel it from beginning to end. maybe because i know MJ is gunna come in singing it. lol
SO TRUE!!!!!
In songs with other people, I hear MJ's voice and I just light up! lol!
It's something about his singing:yes:
NOT to take away anything from anyone else

For some reason I have never listened to the Paul Mccartney song 'the man' (I KNOW! what kinda fan am i ?!?!?!) anyway, Paul sounds really good on it, but when MJ came in with:
"Then he laughed, he kicks, then rolls up his sleeves. ........."

I was like:wub::dropdead::girl_butterfly:


OH MAN, and on 'can u feel it', when MJ comes in it's CRRRAAAAZZZY!!! lol

I always can't help but dance, lol
Michael's vocals always bring any song to another, higher level. What about in "Wait", he just sings the ad libs at the end, but after Jackie sings "You took away my pride" and then Michael comes in with "My priiiide", you're just like "DAMN!" lol. He's the best. The quality, combined with his phrasing and timing and the sincereity in his voice makes him the best singer ever, imo.
I think he can really bring a song to life too! Everytime I feel down or upset or... well anything really! I just listen to one of his songs and I'm back to life! He sings with alot of sincerity which most of the singers these days don't do. Michael can really bring out the meaning of the song.
I think he can really bring a song to life too! Everytime I feel down or upset or... well anything really! I just listen to one of his songs and I'm back to life! He sings with alot of sincerity which most of the singers these days don't do. Michael can really bring out the meaning of the song.
I agree. You can be a technician as much as you want to, if you got skills and wanna show off. But, it takes another level of singing to make people believe what you say through your song. You should have that IT and if possible, you should write your own lyrics at least. Michael got both and more-one of which is a lot of experiences throughout his life and he can draw on them to deliver a variety of emotions. In a sense, sometiems you gotta live the life in a song before getting into recording booth.

One example out of many, I ain't that big on Darkchild, but dig the tracks on Invincible album so much. His singin alone grips me tight and won't let me go;D I seriously doubt I would love 'em that much if some other artists had sung.
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