Have you guys watched,listened to anything from MJ yet?

Jan 17, 2004
Apart from the music from MJ you hear all the time during CNN reports and specials...i haven't watched a single performance or video. Or listened to any music of his. I don't know..maybe i just don't feel like to yet...not sure what it is. I don't nessecarily think it's pain...but maybe it is.

I was doing better and better each day...i definitely shed tears a hour after the horrible news broke, an hour...because i just didn't realize...i simply couldn't. And even though i was doing better these last few days....this evening it got worse..because....

I was at my bro's house and watching a live DVD of Bruce Springsteen (I'm going to his concert in Frankfurt friday, so this was kinda to get in the mood for it) but i think you can guess it already....as soon as the band and him started to perform and play songs....all the time i kept thinking of july 30th. When i was gonna see Mike perform again....i remembered the days before his death how it was coming closer and closer..and i was really getting into the mood. The thought of ...'first seeing Bruce and then my lifetime hero,idol, etc..MJ' was soooooo stuck in my head. So it was inevitable that i was gonna think of MJ performing when seeing bruce :(.

I was 14 when i went to the HIStory tour in Amsterdam with my dad. And i never thought i was gonna see the man again....and sadly it didn't happen. Goddamn. However...tomorrow i'm heading off to my dad's house and i'm gonna watch MJ dvd's with him and my stepmother. I hope i'm up for it...who knows i might shed a tear, but that doesn't matter one bit!!!!!!
yesterday I watched a youtube video of mike laughing and the japan interview where he cant stop giggling....put a big smile on my face, really picked me up!!
Listening to MJ and watching his vidoes is how I am getting though this. It feels like he's still here.
I spent all Friday watching his videos..........I had a good cry watching them. It really helped me, I guess thats just how I work. I am now listening to all his music.

The keyboard solo in Bad upsets me. I dont know why, there is something about the sound which makes me think about his career as a whole :\
I am in the same boat. Aside from anything on TV, I haven't listened to any of Michael's music.
me too, aside from tv..i cant. i tryed watching the jam music video, but it killed me. im only listening to other artists at the moment.
Since Thursday I have only be listened to Michaels music I dont want to hear anyone else at the minute and the only tv I've been watching is things to do with Michael,Its still not sinking in he's gone.
When the news first broke Thursday afternoon, I could hardly bear to hear his songs played back to back to back. It was somewhat out of sadness and shock, but mostly out of anger and disgust over the media's hypocrisy. I felt that it was too little too late, and that their constant playing of his songs forced me to accept something that I didn't want to believe. I carried that anger over through the next day, driving with the radio off and not watching TV. It got to the point where I felt like I was going to knock someone's block off in the grocery store Friday night due to sheer anxiety and frustration. It was like the reality of his death just slapped me in the face as I was walking down one of the aisles. I left the store and forced myself to listen to the 4th CD of the Ultimate Collection. "You Are Not Alone" just pulled the tears from my chest. I needed to cry in order to keep from going crazy, but now I just feel...blah. Hearing his music on the radio is surreal to me, and adjusting to this new reality is proving quite difficult.
It is all I've been wanting to do. I think am starting to become obsessed with him like I did back 1995 when the HIStory album came out. I was so majorly obsessed with him then. Michael was all that I could think about then. It still amazes me how I was able to graduate from high school. Because my MJ obsession was just so bad then. And I have been a fan of his since the early 80s. Right now I am really getting in to my one favorite Billie Jean performance it is from my Denmark HIStory Concert. And I used to be so obsessed with Michael's Billie Jean song. As for me I am trying very hard to remember Michael in more happier times. I started doing that last night. I am trying not to think about where he is now because it is just going to make me cry all over again. Which is why I am trying to avoid any news programs that might be talking about him.
The day after it happened I tried to listen to some of his music but I had to stop. Lately I've watched some of his videos. When I watch them I find myself crying, smiling, laughing with joy. I tried reading Moonwalk as well but I just broke down crying.
At first I wasn't sure if I could listen to his music because I was scared that it would tip me over the edge, but I was working over the weekend and when I came home on Sunday my daughter was watching the History Bucharest DVD so I sat down a watched it with her and we both cried and cried. Now I can only listen to Michaels music....its like a tribute. It makes me sad but also, in a strange way, happy. I think Im still in denial...I just can't believe that Michael has gone.
:rollin: "That was interesting!"

I know right? I mean....he says something so simple , but the way he stands there and looks at it ....he's just pure comedy there!!! Awesome.

A very very good friend of mine who's a die hard MJ fan, who's really in mourning, well..his girlfriend doesn't really seem to respect it much.
She can't understand it, she doesn't like it...wants his attention for practically anything....like he told me..she doesn't but also CAN'T understand what i am going through. Only real MJ fans can.

Many can also not understand why we stood by him so much...cause they say 'you didn't even know him' . And you can try to explain WHY you stood by him when the horrible shit hit the fan ...but they just don't understand.
I'm the exact opposite to everyone else it seems, I'm exclusively listening to MJ and no other artists at the moment.
I haven't been able to listen to any of his music.
I don't feel I'm ready to deal with it yet - his voice was always a source of comfort to me ,so I don't know how I'll feel listening to him now knowing he's gone.
There are some songs I find myself avoiding, because they make me too sad.
But ever since this happened one song has constantly "played" in the back of my mind: "I´ll be there".
Its kind of strange, and kind of nice and comforting.
Yes I have. But there are few songs I can't listen to without bursting out in tears :(
I have been listening to his music and watching his videos the whole time since I heard of his passing. It is my way I suppose of grieving, his music makes me happy and provides comfort. And I figure as long as I embrace his legacy he will never truly be gone. He lives on in his music, he poured his entire being into that. He is immortal as long as we listen.
There are some songs I find myself avoiding, because they make me too sad.
But ever since this happened one song has constantly "played" in the back of my mind: "I´ll be there".
Its kind of strange, and kind of nice and comforting.

I also keep playing I'll Be There and i'm constantly singing it in my head through out the day. I know what you mean, it is quite comforting at the moment.
I'm the exact opposite to everyone else it seems, I'm exclusively listening to MJ and no other artists at the moment.

Don't worry i've been exclusivley listening to MJ and the jackson family exclusivley for the past few days too
I also keep playing I'll Be There and i'm constantly singing it in my head through out the day. I know what you mean, it is quite comforting at the moment.

I have wondered this for a long time....but is there a version of adult Michael sinnging that song? It's no doubt a live version then...but is it somewhere?
At first I couldn't listen but now I'm playing absolutely everything, theres so many mixtapes coming out you gotta grab em and play the shit out of them, let's rejoice in what the man put before us and play the music loud for every other person to hear and understand what we loved in the 1st place.

Lovin' the 'Better on the other side' tribute song too, problem is in my head I keep imagining MJs vocals on the chorus and how he would have made it 10 times better.
Not all the way through yet. Everytime I play a song I have to stop it. I feel I'm getting to a point where I will be able to start by listening to J5 stuff and work my way up in time.