Have you ever wondered....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
where your soul was before you were born? I mean I don't know if this makes any sense.. but technically you were dead before you were born! Doesn't that make you feel... I dunno... anxious? I think about this alot. i mean all the religious people at least know where they are now, and they also know where they will be... but never where they were.... Meh it's a strange topic I know, but have you ever wondered about that?
Yes. I bought a book a while back called "Cosmic Karma - Understanding Your Contract With The Universe" and it teaches you how to read your birth chart and gives some insight into the type of person you may have been in your previous life and your souls purpose. Whether it's to be believed or not, to me it's very interesting. :)
Hi there. :)
Firstly, no one knows anything for sure (least of all about the afterlife) and that includes religious people.

Nevertheless, this is something each human has probably wondered about throughout history. If you believe in reincarnation, then you'd believe that the soul never 'dies'...and when your material/bodily self dies, your soul will gather the lessons learnt and then choose another life to learn lessons from.
It's a very interesting topic to read about...old souls, mature souls, past lives...
I find it fascinating although I do not dictate my life about any of these beliefs.
Hi there. :)
Firstly, no one knows anything for sure (least of all about the afterlife) and that includes religious people.

Nevertheless, this is something each human has probably wondered about throughout history. If you believe in reincarnation, then you'd believe that the soul never 'dies'...and when your material/bodily self dies, your soul will gather the lessons learnt and then choose another life to learn lessons from.
It's a very interesting topic to read about...old souls, mature souls, past lives...
I find it fascinating although I do not dictate my life about any of these beliefs.
by 'know" i mean a religious person realizes and believes that something will happen to his soul after his death. But no one knows anything about pre-life. I don't believe in reincarnation but I haven't heard much about it to be honest. I do have a question though, if your soul "reinvents" itself every time it's body dies then shouldn't the world have an equal number of humans all the time? Instead we are rapidly increasing in number and growth. how does the reincarnation theory explain this contradiction?
by 'know" i mean a religious person realizes and believes that something will happen to his soul after his death. But no one knows anything about pre-life. I don't believe in reincarnation but I haven't heard much about it to be honest. I do have a question though, if your soul "reinvents" itself every time it's body dies then shouldn't the world have an equal number of humans all the time? Instead we are rapidly increasing in number and growth. how does the reincarnation theory explain this contradiction?
Who knows? :lol: But some believe that new souls are born all the time, termed 'Baby souls'/'Infant souls'. Apparently, a soul that has learnt all it could here on earth would go somewhere else.
This is a pretty interesting article about soul ages.