Have You Ever Been Multiple Accounts At the Same time On Websites?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I remember on another Michael Jackson website, I was 6 accounts around the same time. 4 of my Alt accounts gushed about the MJ video, Bad(full 16 minute version). Can you imagine four "different" accounts all saying, "Oh, my God. Bad is the best music video in the world!":D 2 of my accounts were not fans of the Bad video. I got caught being 2 of my accounts, when my alt account Chone Wilson answered a question meant for me, Karice. :doh:

The question went something like, "Karice, how was your vacation? chone Wilson answered, 'My vacation was fine.":doh: The poster asked, 'UhChone, why did you answer Karice's question?" I was so busted!:doh:
I only did that on one website many years ago when I was a teenager. I was trolling hard on Audiogalaxy.
Why would anyone do this? It seems a bit kooky to be carrying on conversations with yourself and manipulating others. And haven't you posted about this before or was it an alt??? :blink:
Karice why did you troll? and why do keep posting weird topics over and over?
I remember on another Michael Jackson website, I was 6 accounts around the same time. 4 of my Alt accounts gushed about the MJ video, Bad(full 16 minute version). Can you imagine four "different" accounts all saying, "Oh, my God. Bad is the best music video in the world!":D 2 of my accounts were not fans of the Bad video. I got caught being 2 of my accounts, when my alt account Chone Wilson answered a question meant for me, Karice. :doh:

The question went something like, "Karice, how was your vacation? chone Wilson answered, 'My vacation was fine.":doh: The poster asked, 'UhChone, why did you answer Karice's question?" I was so busted!:doh:

:hysterical: What was the point of doing all that?
If you were another account before, it's wise not to tell anyone. I used to be one account on another website, and I then made another account later. My first account was banned when I stupidly started a thread about how gross it was that a biological Grandma was mutually sexually dating her biological Grandson. I didn't expect to be banned for the thread. I thought I would get a few, "Eew! That's gross!" replies, not banned. I got the message, "You have been banned for Trolling. The ban will never be deleted.

Anyways, with my second account, I was asked if I had been the first account, and I stupidly said, "Yes." My second account was banned soon after my confession, even though I was being good on this account. I got the message, "You have been banned for no reason specified(which meant they said they banned me for no reason), the ban will never be lifted." I knew I was banned for confessing to the first account. :(
Nope, I don't see the point. I just stay the same account on all forums I belong to.

I've never been banned from a forum before, which I'm very lucky for.