Have you been to Disney World? Would you go without kids?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I've been trying to think of places to go on vacation in the US and was looking a Disney World but like many people, tend to associate Disney as for the children. But, it is just a theme park right?

So what do you think? Would a group of a adults enjoy it? Have you been?
A group of adults would absolutely enjoy Disney World (in Florida).

There is a resort, The Grand Floridian. Very nice place, and very grown-ish. There is also a massive log-cabin style hotel on a boardwalk section. Can't remember the name of the park.

There are also two water parks: Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach. It's a great place to spend the day swimming, lounging and of course they sell drinks (if you're 21 or over).

MGM Studios is excellent for anyone who enjoys movies.

There are several other parks and they all offer plenty of great stuff for adults. Nobody is going to bat an eye at a group of adults there. Especially not when you look at how much it costs! It's expensive. But if you've never been, it is an excellent thing to enjoy.
r u kidding me? bringing kids would so bog u down. it's better w/o the lil ones...sorry chillun! haha

it's awesome, u got the german town, omg all the beer...and their little countries have the food of the place....im a foodie so um...yea. and omg...epcot. *sobs*
no... but i'd love to go to Disney World :)
Disney World is definitely not just a place for families with kids. You see loads of adults whether they are having a girly holiday/boys holiday or a holiday as a couple. If you have an interest in Disney films then there are themeparks like Magic Kingdom and Disney Hollywood Studios where there are film based rides and thrill rides. The themepark Epcot lets you walk around the world in a day as they have pavillions themed as different countries serving authentic food-disney characters take more of a backseat here as Disney concentrate on making each pavillion authentic. I think people who are not as in to disney may enjoy epcot more aswell as the last Disney themepark Animal Kingdom. Disney World also has 2 water themeparks, a shopping area and a spa. Outside of Disney but still in the orlando area are parks such as Universal Studios and Islands Of Adventures aswell as Seaworld and Kennedy Space Centre. Hope some of that has helped lol 12 days until my holiday there!
Of course you can go without kids.. If you got kids they won't be speaking to you for awhile though... I took my son twice in 99 and 2000. Now that he is almost 15 I want to take him back so he can ride all the good rides with me. :)
hell yea!! like others have said..they entertain adults as well. i have seen their tour documentaries saying so. now i want to go back!! lol plus, disney was made for everyone not only kids anyway.
and yes i've been there, as a teen and had my birthday there..i wasnt bored even with my teenage attitude and annoying 'rents :lol:..but im thankful they took me there now. its absolutely beautiful and fun, let alone Florida is gorgeous.
Hell to the yes! Disney World is my favorite place to go EVER! I'm 23 and last year I went and had the best time, and about a year before that I went to Disneyland. LOVE BOTH (Disney World more...) And it doesn't matter if you have kids or not it's a magical place for anyone looking for fun.

Go and have a good time!
Not only have I been to Disney World, but I think I was there one time when MJ rented the whole park out for the night...for a "meeting"...I remember having to clear out early that night. My daughter played Trumpet and marched down Main Street with her High School band that year...it was 2004...the year before she graduated...



Her pants didn't fit her too well...as you can see...lol! Especially the crotch area...
Of course you can go without children. However, I took my son when he was two, A bit young I thought after the fact and wish I would have waited until he was a few years older.

I have been Walt Disney World a few other times with adults and covered alot of ground...it was a blast...

:angel:A definate all time favorite
That place is fun!! And we took a riverboat ride from the hotel we were staying (Port Orleans Riverside) and went to Downtown Disney. From that little boat, we saw lots of things that adults could do....we saw Cirque De Soliel - no wonder MJ just loves that...Downtown Disney is fun for both adults and children....we had dinner at the House Of Blues there...it was awesome...

Here's some info about Port Orleans Riverside. I highly recommend staying here. It is moderate in price, and a lot of fun.

wow, thanks! i don't have kids so that won't be a problem. =D epcot sounds great and the safari. maybe we'll go next year.
OMG did somenone said Disney World??!!

I LOVE Disney World. It truly is the happiest place on earth and I don't mean to be corny, is soooo much fun.
The place is massive, you need at least one day for each park and there's like 5 of them, plus since ur already in florida there's universal studios, seaworld, bush gardens, loads of places to have a kick ass time.

Love it, can't wait to go back.
They need to start showing Captain Eo again and I'm there like a shot. :lol:

Not only have I been to Disney World, but I think I was there one time when MJ rented the whole park out for the night...for a "meeting"...

Only MJ could shut down Disney World like that! :lol:
y'all are cracking me up in here, drooling over Disney World! i think i would be upset if a celeb interrupted my vacation though.
I am 29 and I have always wanted to see Disney World. I am very fearful of big amusement park rides because of what happen to me when I was 6 years old. I was forced to go on this one big ride that I didn't want to go on nor was I ready to go on it. But the big rides in Disney World I would so love to go on. Especially Tower Of Terror, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and Space Mountain.

Btw my mother went there with my father back in 1975. They were newlyweds at the time. My mother seem to have like it. Expect for the fact that my mother wanted to kill my father for making her go on Space Mountain. She had no idea of what she was in store for when she was told she had to take her glasses off before she went on it.
edit-- ^ I've been in the Space mountain, omg its was awesome!! I didnt wanna go in first but my friend forced me too ahha.

I've been to disneyland in Paris not in FL. &to answer your question, I would def. NOT take my kids with me if I had them lol.
ive been and as selfish as it might sound, id go a day without kids and then a day with. you need to be able to pick up and go, not having to worry about who needs to go to the toilet, whos hungry, whos tired, whos this and that. go and have fun as adults and then take the kids later
I ADORE DISNEY WORLD! i went in 97, 02 and 06. I also went to Disneyland in 07. DW is a lot better for just adults b/c they have all the other parks. I highly sigguest Epcot and MGM studios. they have the Great Movie Ride which feature their amazing animotronics from different movies. it is very entertaining and funny. its one of my favorites! Animal Kindom is good too. I remember this club from downtown disney i think. and looked like a blast didnt really care at the time tho since i was tiny lol. go! youll love it!!
ok, one of these days i'll go to disney world. y'all make me glad i don't have children though. people always look miserable juggling their kids and trying to keep them dry and happy. and now i know it is probably not just a look! =D
I've been to Disney World and Land......
you don't need the kids!!!!

lol, and I agree with Daph. Evereytime someone mentions it I say "you mean, the happiest place on earth?!?!?" lol!!