Have video games gotten too serious?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What happened to the fun? Everything this generation has to be so damn serious. I think it's partially because that is what gamers demand. We demand that video games be considered art and therefore demand that games be "serious" so that they fit into that rigid/asinine idea of what "art" is. Another fact about gamers is that a great deal of them are in their early teens, a prime age where they reject everything that is "kiddie" and only want to associate with what they consider adult.

What are your thoughts on the subject? Is the industry fine the way it is or do you want more variety for all ages? Do you miss the "kiddie" games? Do you think that games have become too serious? Has "maturity" limited the originality and gameplay of modern video games?
Yes i agree today is more serious and i think the 90s was amazing for gaming because it was about the fun not the realism :)
Most of the new games i've been playing have humor to them. Even the ones that are suppose to be dark and serious will have humor somewhere.
They're action-oriented, and pseudo-mature. Only a teenager would think they are an accurate depiction of what maturity is supposed to be.

Now, are action games all bad? No, I don't think so. Do they dominate the video game market? Somewhat, I think, but evidently not entirely, since other genres clearly do exist and are quite popular. So, I would say that it's not a problem. However, I'm not a "gamer"--the last time I played a video game, I was 11. I remember really liking The Legend of Zelda, and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 64.

I have to admit the WWII games like Call of Duty, etc. do look interesting, but as far as I know, you can only play on the allied side (and I don't think the Russians are an option, which means I'd be stuck playing as the Americans or British), so that's why I won't play them, lol. I think they should make all options available.

But, reverting to the original question--do I think they've gotten too "serious"? No. To each his own. Lighthearted games still exist, and even though the status quo might lean towards action/drama, the general culture shouldn't impact your own experience. That is, not unless you're easily influenced by what others find suitable.
I think it's each others decision whether to play fun games or serious games. Most games I like are action with dark, serious, but epic story.
One example, Batman: Arkham Asylum. Very dark game. In some places it even gives creeps like horror movies (no, I'm not horror fan). On the other side, it is EPIC and one of the best games I've ever played.

You can judge by these pictures how ''dark'' this game is. However, I would definately recommend everyone to play it. Awesome story, brilliant gameplay, and amazing Batman ''feel''






I have to admit the WWII games like Call of Duty, etc. do look interesting, but as far as I know, you can only play on the allied side (and I don't think the Russians are an option, which means I'd be stuck playing as the Americans or British), so that's why I won't play them, lol. I think they should make all options available.

try Call of Duty World at War

During the single player campaign you play on the U.S., British & Russian side. Most WWII games let you play as a German for multiplayer, but never seem to for single player. I can imagine why too. People would complain until they're blue in the face.