

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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I have received approval from LJ to post this rant.



I cannot consume it any longer. I am completely fed up with it.

Today is Friday and as a Muslim, I have to go for a pray in a Mosque along with other Male Muslims. Before we begin our pray, we have to listen to a preach. Today's preach is about Anti Israel.

15 minutes of preach containing stories on how evil Israel have been. Mistreating Palestine people. Killing people. Burning houses. It went on and on. In summary, Israel people are the evil people. Palestine people and Muslim are helpless, innocent and good people.

I was there sitting on the floor surrounded by approximately 100+ Muslims listening to the preach. Most of the time I stared blankly on the floor. My mind was twirling like a hot engine filled with questions. I felt like I wanted to stand and scream. But I can't. All I could do was shaking my head to disagree with the preacher. Others were mostly nodding their heads.

Common sense, good people and bad people come from every religion, sex orientation, skin color, country and so on. It doesn't choose specifically to one particular group of people. There are good people in Israel and bad people in Israel. There are good people in Islam and bad people in Islam. Nonetheless why are you trying to generalize it?

While you are trying to portray how evil and hateful these Israelis are to Muslim people, you are planting hate inside every Muslim to despise Israeli. How hypocritical is that?

Humanity is not based upon a religion. Humanity comes from within of an individual. Hence the theory of "religion A is evil and religion B is all good" is completely full with total BS.

You are punishing and creating hate based on their religion and because they are Israelis. Funny that you will be easily offended when other people from other religions or atheists create hate and punishing you for being a Muslim.

I have friends from Israel and Serbia so sue me! My ex-boyfriend comes from Israel and he was (still is) hot! So punish me for being a human with humanity. I refuse to discriminate and prejudge people based on their religion, sex orientation, skin colors etc. I refuse to consume hate from anyone.

And good God, I think my father has found out that I am gay. This is a nightmare if it's true. I hope I'm wrong. I really hope so.

Wake up people and stop yourself from being blinded by ignorance and hate. This message is no longer solely for one religion but for every religion and for everyone.
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hey man I am from Serbia! :)

And I realize your trouble. Don't give in to hate. Be yourself - that's all that you can be!!!
First off, can I give you a hug, Rebirth? From a person who feels anger at least once a day because of the same reasons you have described so well, to another?

I hear these things daily...about any people who aren't white, christian and straight...I hear it from family, from friends, from strangers, on TV, on the radio, absolutely everywhere... Michael's right, it does make me wanna scream.

One of my best friends in the world, whom I've met on MJJF, is Muslim, and I find nothing wrong with him. I have a good friend who is Jewish and a fantastic person, someone who can always put a smile on my face. Did their religions ever influence me? Not in the slightest...

The hate you mentioned is simply dumb...ignorant and childish...and sadly, the world is run by such people, carrying such hate...

Common sense, good people and bad people come from every religion, sex orientation, skin color, country and so on. It doesn't choose specifically to one particular group of people. There are good people in Israel and bad people in Israel. There are good people in Islam and bad people in Islam. Nonetheless why are you trying to generalize it?

If it weren't for generalizations, there'd be no more reasons to start wars and to attack people who haven't hurt anyone. Where would all the "fun" go? :smilerolleyes:

And good God, I think my father has found out that I am gay. This is a nightmare if it's true. I hope I'm wrong. I really hope so.

I remember you saying in a previous post that you'd managed to convince your parents that you're "cured", after they'd blown a fuse when finding out you're gay, and that you help them a lot depite their views on homosexuality. (I hope I remembered correctly) I don't wanna imagine how hard it would be for you to face them again if your dad indeed knows :no:
Hope you're lucky and he hasn't found out yet, and if he has, good luck! *keeping my fingers crossed for you*
Hate is the seed of all evil.

We can not change our past and can only hope for our children's future but our present is ours and what we know inside our hearts isn't dictated by anyone else. Never let another's hate be carried into your heart. Learn the truth and love through other's hatred.
Religious hate is just as bad as hate fueled by something else. Everyone is imperfect, and there's no sense in hating someone who's different than you. Acceptance is the key to peace.

I feel bad for the people who nodded their heads in agreement with something so twisted. I only hope that they'll discover someday how wrong they were.
First off, can I give you a hug, Rebirth? From a person who feels anger at least once a day because of the same reasons you have described so well, to another?

I remember you saying in a previous post that you'd managed to convince your parents that you're "cured", after they'd blown a fuse when finding out you're gay, and that you help them a lot depite their views on homosexuality. (I hope I remembered correctly) I don't wanna imagine how hard it would be for you to face them again if your dad indeed knows :no:
Hope you're lucky and he hasn't found out yet, and if he has, good luck! *keeping my fingers crossed for you*

To be honest I could use a hug right now. For two reasons.

My father has been too quiet for several days in a row now. But he talked normally to my mother and to my other siblings. He kept avoiding me. He doesn't even bother to look at my face right now. I am sweating and indeed worry.

Whatever the case, I need to move and act faster. When the time comes, I will move out outside the country. I don't have any other options.

Second reason why I need a hug is because of the news that I have received from my bf.

He was admitted to a hospital several days ago but now back at home. He had another appointment this morning but with a different hospital. He broke the news to me on what the doctor told him. The news torn me to pieces but I don't want to post it on this thread to respect my bf's personal life. I don't know, I am just mess up right now. I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm upset.
Thank you for being so open minded!!

Totally agree with you...

(And im a muslim...)
Rebirth I'm sending you a big hug :hug: you and your boyfriend will be in my thoughts.

I am sadden most when I know that people follow something blindly. To learn that they should never question or wonder about the information that they are given is one of the key points that allow hate to grow.
When we close our eyes and our ears and try not to understand something that we do not know, that is when we allow fear to take over us, and we develop feelings of distrust, anger and hate. Hate is a seed that grows quickly. The emotions that fuel it are easy to stir within most and the uneducated mind is all to happy to accept the wrong reasons for it's clever manipulation by others.
Love is a much harder seed to cultivate and grow, because it relies on trust and acceptance and willingness, these are time consuming and require effort.

The situation of hatred between religions will always exist sadly... especially as long as the mouthpieces of those religions continue to pervert their own religious texts to prove a point. A point that they probably have lost themselves sometime long ago.
To be honest I could use a hug right now. For two reasons.

My father has been too quiet for several days in a row now. But he talked normally to my mother and to my other siblings. He kept avoiding me. He doesn't even bother to look at my face right now. I am sweating and indeed worry.

Whatever the case, I need to move and act faster. When the time comes, I will move out outside the country. I don't have any other options.

Second reason why I need a hug is because of the news that I have received from my bf.

He was admitted to a hospital several days ago but now back at home. He had another appointment this morning but with a different hospital. He broke the news to me on what the doctor told him. The news torn me to pieces but I don't want to post it on this thread to respect my bf's personal life. I don't know, I am just mess up right now. I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm upset.

*sends you many hugs*
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Best of luck with your father, I hope things work out between the two of you eventually :(

And I'll be praying for your loved one's health; hopefully, it's not as serios as it sounds.

Hope you're not going through all this alone and have good friends there to support you :hug: Take care!
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hate is something i hear every day. it's not as blatant as what you experienced. it isn't something i attend and hear preached, it is people making snide comments not knowing what i think or feel about anything. they look at me, i look the same as them, so they feel safe to make their dumb comments. just because something is said as a joke doesn't make it any less hateful.

division is the root of all evil, hate is just a tool used to make the divide as wide as possible.

thanks for posting. peace be with you.
Yeah, I agree with cryingangel. It does make me wanna scream!

And when I stop to think about it, I often lose faith in humanity. People are hating each other without even noticing it. Without a reason. Just because they were told to.

That's why I value so much people like Michael. That despite everytime people tried to hurt him, he doesn't hate. He just loves. And I guess that's what we all should try to conquer. That ability to love no matter what.

My thoughts goes to you and your boyfriend, Rebirth. :yes: