Has this happened to you?

No it hasn't. Honestly that would have scared me. I get scared so easily it's not even funny:doh: That's amazing though!
I had a moment a few nights ago where I felt like he was behind me, and his hands were on my shoulders. I just felt this really strong warmth on my shoulders and I decided just to ask if it was him and to just give me a sign. I thought nothing would happen but within a few seconds I felt a small warm breeze go across my hand. When I kept asking it kept happening and than my hand began to get all tingly. :)
No it hasn't. Honestly that would have scared me. I get scared so easily it's not even funny:doh: That's amazing though!
I had a moment a few nights ago where I felt like he was behind me, and his hands were on my shoulders. I just felt this really strong warmth on my shoulders and I decided just to ask if it was him and to just give me a sign. I thought nothing would happen but within a few seconds I felt a small warm breeze go across my hand. When I kept asking it kept happening and than my hand began to get all tingly. :)

well i dont think it was Michael...i believe it was my aunt who passed a couple of weeks after Michael did...Ive been going through alot lately and have been feeling extremely depressed and lonely :( I think my aunt was trying to connect with me but I woke up :(
I only recently discovered that growing up, my brother felt a presence in his room, for like his whole teenage years. He said he felt that it was an old lady, and he would feel her arms around him, like comforting him, while he slept. Not all the time, but he said he eventually ignored it. He never said anything. When he moved out, he was working away and his wife was home alone, and for someone reason awoke in her sleep, and just knew there was a old lady in her loungeroom, like a spirit sitting on the couch. She didn't get up, cause she was scared. But she just knew inside her that she was there, and it was only then that my brother mentioned what had happened to him.

Also, years later after we all moved out, there was a few strange things that happened in mum's house, nothing totally weird - but when my stepdad slept in my brothers old room- now the spare room one night (having been kicked out by mum from snoring, ha) he felt someone sit on the edge of the bed and it was disturbing his sleep. Then my mum saw a presence in her car...oh, it's a long story!

So why i have been lucky enough not to feel it (i think it would scare the hell out of me) i do know of it.

I know a lot of people are cynical about this sort of thing, but my mum is extremely cynical about paranormal stuff - so for her to admit to seeing a presence, i believe it.

Funny thing is, mum saw this lady/ghost or whatever...but still if someone tells her something about ghosts she doesn't believe it! ha.

I hope no one thinks i am insane! Maybe my family are :p But i don't see why they would have reason to lie about any of it.

But I hope you find comfort, if it happens again. Maybe it is your aunt?

I hope you find answers :)
I only recently discovered that growing up, my brother felt a presence in his room, for like his whole teenage years. He said he felt that it was an old lady, and he would feel her arms around him, like comforting him, while he slept. Not all the time, but he said he eventually ignored it. He never said anything. When he moved out, he was working away and his wife was home alone, and for someone reason awoke in her sleep, and just knew there was a old lady in her loungeroom, like a spirit sitting on the couch. She didn't get up, cause she was scared. But she just knew inside her that she was there, and it was only then that my brother mentioned what had happened to him.

Also, years later after we all moved out, there was a few strange things that happened in mum's house, nothing totally weird - but when my stepdad slept in my brothers old room- now the spare room one night (having been kicked out by mum from snoring, ha) he felt someone sit on the edge of the bed and it was disturbing his sleep. Then my mum saw a presence in her car...oh, it's a long story!

So why i have been lucky enough not to feel it (i think it would scare the hell out of me) i do know of it.

I know a lot of people are cynical about this sort of thing, but my mum is extremely cynical about paranormal stuff - so for her to admit to seeing a presence, i believe it.

Funny thing is, mum saw this lady/ghost or whatever...but still if someone tells her something about ghosts she doesn't believe it! ha.

I hope no one thinks i am insane! Maybe my family are :p But i don't see why they would have reason to lie about any of it.

But I hope you find comfort, if it happens again. Maybe it is your aunt?

I hope you find answers :)

thank you...i really wanna study more about this stuff..my mother is extremely pyshic and i told her i about my experience and she said she would tell me all about it when i get back home (im currently living in chicago on my own)
thank you...i really wanna study more about this stuff..my mother is extremely pyshic and i told her i about my experience and she said she would tell me all about it when i get back home (im currently living in chicago on my own)

Cool - you will have to let us know how it goes :)
The only real one I've had about a family member was when I was younger. It was recently after my mom passed away and I didn't feel anything I just heard a singing, beautiful singing. My room was dark and I didn't have the radio or TV on. I would try and put my pillow over my face because I wanted to see if it was some where outside but I kept hearing it. I was so young it just scared me. Now that I think about it I wished I had stayed and listened.
The only real one I've had about a family member was when I was younger. It was recently after my mom passed away and I didn't feel anything I just heard a singing, beautiful singing. My room was dark and I didn't have the radio or TV on. I would try and put my pillow over my face because I wanted to see if it was some where outside but I kept hearing it. I was so young it just scared me. Now that I think about it I wished I had stayed and listened.

i can't imagine life without my mother...i just can't :(
i can't imagine life without my mother...i just can't :(

I wish others felt like you. I get really mad at people who treat their mothers like crap. Especially when their mothers are just trying to love them and protect them. I mean I'm sometimes snappy with my Dad but I could never tell him I hate him and I always apologize after. I just don't understand sometimes why some people are so disrespectful towards their parents when I would do anything to just see my Mom right now , or just be able to talk to her.
Last night while I was sleeping I felt someone sit down by the edge of my bed. I think i have an idea of what that could have been, but does anyone know EXACTLY what that means?

well I have felt a presence around me i feel it every day on & off I feel a sort of light draught on my neck (on the left side always!) If I'm facing say the tv & it's on the left I expect I face the other way the draught should logically be on my right right? wrong it ALWAYS stays on the left!

I've always been very cynical but I am starting to think there's deffo someone there

Now call this (and me) weird if you like that's fine with me but this is seriously what I am currently experiencing I kid you NOT!

Everytime I sing you are not alone I suddenly feel the draught on the left of my neck (even if i've not felt it all day) and when i get to the part something whispers in my ear & says you are not alone..... I feel like someone is blowing in my ear! (the left one of course) it's rather fascinating to say the least!

btw i sing y.a.n.a a bit different now i kinda changed the lyrics a bit as a kinda tribute to Mike!

I think I know who it is ;) certain things have made me think it could be who I think it is!

i shan't go into it all now
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well I have felt a presence around me i feel it every day on & off I feel a sort of light draught on my neck (on the left side always!) If I'm facing say the tv & it's on the left I expect I face the other way the draught should logically be on my right right? wrong it ALWAYS stays on the left!

I've always been very cynical but I am starting to think there's deffo someone there

Now call this (and me) weird if you like that's fine with me but this is seriosuly what I am currently experiencing I kid you NOT!

Everytime I sing you are not alone I feel the draught on the left of my neck (even if i've not felt it all day) and when i get to the part something whispers in my ear & says you are not alone..... I feel like someone is blowing in my ear! (the left one of course) it's rather fascinating to say the least!

I think I know who it is ;) certain things have made me think it could be who I think it is!

i shan't go into it all now

I just want some sort of confirmation that Im not crazy lol i do not think you are at all..since my aunt died this is prolly the 2nd or 3rd time I have felt like this...my life is just in the "lost" stage right now and i...i dont know i just know i miss and love my Aunt dearly
I wish others felt like you. I get really mad at people who treat their mothers like crap. Especially when their mothers are just trying to love them and protect them. I mean I'm sometimes snappy with my Dad but I could never tell him I hate him and I always apologize after. I just don't understand sometimes why some people are so disrespectful towards their parents when I would do anything to just see my Mom right now , or just be able to talk to her.

oh no! my mother is my best friend! i love her with all my heart! me and my father are not close at all but i still love him and if anything ever happened to him I would be sad for sure
thank you...i really wanna study more about this stuff..my mother is extremely pyshic and i told her i about my experience and she said she would tell me all about it when i get back home (im currently living in chicago on my own)
you're lucky
if i told anybody they'll think i'm losing my mind
alot of things happend to me
but it's hard to believe.......
i don't remember ALL of them
but i'll say some of what i remember
i feel him ALL the time
but....sometimes that feeling is just too
strong..i don't know how to explain it
..once when i was crying i was SO sad
i was sitting on my bed
near me there was a table
i SWEAR.that table

moved for like 2cm i guess
like if somebody was pushing it
I SWEAR with my life
i know i'm making no sense at all
and ALOT of things happend too
but i can't -for the love of god- remember it :(
,,and ...on july i guess :$
i was sleeping
thank you...i really wanna study more about this stuff..my mother is extremely pyshic and i told her i about my experience and she said she would tell me all about it when i get back home (im currently living in chicago on my own)
you're lucky
if i told anybody they'll think i'm losing my mind
alot of things happend to me
but it's hard to believe.......
i don't remember ALL of them
but i'll say some of what i remember
i feel him ALL the time
but....sometimes that feeling is just too
strong..i don't know how to explain it
..once when i was crying i was SO sad
i was sitting on my bed
near me there was a table
i SWEAR.that table

moved for like 2cm i guess
like if somebody was pushing it
I SWEAR with my life
i know i'm making no sense at all
and ALOT of things happend too
but i can't -for the love of god- remember it :(
,,and ...on july i guess :$
i was sleeping
yes it did happened to me, 5 years ago when my aunt died. she was my legal guardian after my dad passed and I was very close to her and her death was very sudden, so I was a little disturbed emotionally your mind plays tricks when you're upset

also the night Michael died I was a little confused, it was past mid-night over here when he died. I didn't really hear things I just thought I could feel his presence...in my mind Michael wasn't ready to die yet and he wanted to come back he was desperate to come back