Has Gardner Street Elementary Corrected Themselves?


Have they uncovered Michael's name yet???


As of January of this year;

If not then this would be something I'd be interested in seeing corrected and would help organize a letter writing campaign on behalf of Mike's legacy.

no they haven't. When i was in LA last week this was on one of the tours and the tour guide told us bout it. and said "i wonder if they will uncover it now!? imagine how thrilled the kids would be!". I believe there is a petition going round.

So still covered as of monday (i believe) last week.
I think because of the 2005 case...It would've been nice if they believed in him enough to NOT cover his name...Shame!
It got covered up because of the 1993 case. I live not to far from this school. I remember when Michael was honored. I haven't heard anything about them uncovering his name. The news hasn't reported on anything.
Part of me feels they don't deserve to have Michael's name there anyway...so either way, I don't care.
NOT NOW - that wouldnt sit well ..
they dont deserve to have his name assiocated with them
it they havent had the decency to uncover it yet _why should
thsy have the honor of his name .. Now
shame on them for covering it anyway over allegations
I thought it was covered during 2003 when MJ was first
charged .. I didnt think it was 93 if its been that long Eff
them .. He has a large enough Legacy and lots of honors
that remained without needing them to be added to it
they should never have covered it in the first place! but to be honest i think someone should contact them or start a petition! the school should have his name shown again!
I don't really care if they show his name. No attack at the posters interested in it but it's more at the school turning their back on MJ. They're gonna look shady for trying to now show his name again.
It was in 2003 they did it, I remember being disgusted that they had done so.
I was wondering too if they had taken it down. I presume they would have. They're pathetic.
I think once some greed azz realize the interest and money that will generate... they will uncover it..
have fans ever bothered to try and do something. the times this gets brought up u have the odd one saying il write a letter. and then it dies if fans cant be bothered who else will be. ifthat were in europe it would be pulled off with bare hands.
What kind of messed up lesson is that School teching those kids that go there? That it's ok to assume that someone is guilty untill proven innocent? Shouldn't the school have not covered up Michael's name and instead taught those kids about the importance of innocent untill proven guilty?