Has Beyoncé been DETHRONED and REPLACED by Rihanna?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
February of this year, popular political website Salon.com ran an article titled ‘Why is Beyonce untouchable?’, focusing on how Bey came out relatively unscathed from two major scandals: Performing for and accepting money from the son of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, and going ‘blackface’ for a French photoshoot. While Bey has often been a punching bag across the urban blogosphere and on pop music message boards, the diva has generally remained squeaky clean in the mainstream media; especially when compared to her contemporaries, with everything from fraudulent songwriting claims to her father’s ‘colorful‘ personal life washing off Bey like water off a ducks back.

But has the media now finally turned on Beyonce?

The bad publicity ball started rolling after the release of her new single “Run the World (Girls)”, which has gained coverage from both Billboard.com and Yahoo Music (amongst others) for it’s dismal chart performance: The song has been on a chart free-fall since its disappointing debut at No. 33 on the Hot 100; it’s now currently No. 138 on iTunes after less than three weeks. Bey then made more headlines after being sued for supposedly pulling out of a lucrative video game deal, but it was her appearance at the Costume Institute Gala last week that seems to have really fueled the fire. Video footage of the singer being booed on the red carpet of the prestigious event has received major coverage from bigwigs like the L.A. Times, Yahoo, ABC News, E! News, and the Huffington Post.

Bey has since received further criticism for her promotional schedule: To plug her upcoming fourth album, the booty shaker has been booking headlining gigs at various music festivals — including rock festivals like T in the Park, which has left some festival-goers furious that a mainstream pop artist like Beyonce will be hogging the main stage next to bands like The Strokes and Foo Fighters.

Beyonce’s latest batch of bad publicity comes from British tabloid The Sun, who have just ran an article titled ‘Is Rih Rih bigger than Bey?’, implying that Rihanna has snatched Beyonce’s pop crown. Check out an excerpt below:

Both are beautiful, talented and globally adored, boasting sell-out tours and serious bank balances.

But as 23-year old Rihanna beamed for the cameras in her risque Stella McCartney gown, Texan Beyonce was booed for refusing to cooperate with photographers.

In recent months Rihanna has had THREE singles in our top ten simultaneously and seen such phenomenal demand for tickets for her Loud tour she had to boost the number of UK dates to 27.

Meanwhile 29-year-old Beyonce is staying under the radar. She is facing a £60million lawsuit over a video game deal that went sour and a few weeks ago fired her dad as her manager.

The Sun may be nothing more than a tabloid rag (albeit a very popular one), but they serve to show what the mainstream media are now picking up on the types of arguments that the urban & pop music blogesphere have been debating for years: Rihanna Vs. Beyonce — and they’re clearly team RiRi, with good reason, too. Rihanna may be six years younger than Beyonce, but in just over five years she’s already managed to rack up more hit singles than her older rival. She’s also built her stardom slowly, gradually transitioning into an artist capable of selling millions of albums and successfully touring the world, rather than exploding overnight and peaking too soon. Not to mention that Rihanna has already fought through tabloid scandals thanks to a tumultuous relationship with fellow celebrity Chris Brown, weathering the storm and coming out a bigger star because of it. Her popularity is currently on a continual rise in both the music and fashion world, easily giving Bey a run for her money as the world’s premiere urban diva.

In recent weeks, Beyonce’s pulled some crafty tricks to try squash the problem of bad press with good deeds, while using it to cross-promote her new single: She starred in a highly-publicized fitness campaign called “Move Your Body”, which included a generous visit to a Harlem school that was filmed and uploaded online; and she also (very conveniently) just released her two-year-old version of “God Bless the USA” on iTunes to raise money for charity. So far, neither stunt has done anything to help “Girls” on the charts, and judging by the growing amount of negative publicity around her, it hasn’t helped with that, either.

If there’s one lesson to be learned from the world of celebrity, it’s ‘What goes up, must come down’. Or to be more blunt, “Build ‘em up, to tear ‘em down!’. Female pop divas have always served as a good example of this: Madonna, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, and most recently Christina Aguilera. But now that Christina’s popularity is back on the rise, has the torch and pitchfork wielding media decided that Beyonce will be their next victim?

This certainly isn’t the first time that Beyonce has stumbled, though. Back in 2006, her career nearly took a fatal tumble when the first two singles from her sophomore album B’Day underperformed on the charts, and Jennifer Hudson unexpectedly upstaged her in Dreamgirls – But Bey turned things around thanks to an enormous hit single “Irreplaceable”, a high-profile collaboration with the universally loved Shakira, and a successful world tour.

The only difference was that Bey was then managed by her father Mathew Knowles, whom she has since fired. Knowles’ cutthroat approach to business was often partly credited as getting Beyonce to where she is today, and now that he’s out of the picture, things seem to be unraveling fast.
I don't know. You have ups and downs in your careers. Sometimes what you choose to do doesn't always turn out the way you hoped. I am surprised to hear she was booed anywhere.
I got mad love for beyonce, she's definately an artist that I had to see live to appreciate. I've seen rhianna live a few times, and she's ok but she dont have the vocals that beyonce has. They're both pretty talented, I dont see Beyonce goin anywhere tho
Beyonce has a much better voice. Rhianna is more stage appeal.

What? But Rihanna doesn't do anything. She can't dance to save her life and her voice ain't that good either. Beyonce has it all over that girl.
Beyonce is to me one of the worst people in the industry. Shallow, horrible, skank lyrics. She oversuses her voice so much. She trills the hell out of everything. Her voice makes my skin crawl. Rihanna any day of the week for me.
Man i hate the media....so now doing work for charity is a 'crafty trick' yuk
I don't understand our culture anymore. The media likes to "build em' up, then tear em' down." Rihanna is the new favorite. So, they bring Beyonce down and bring Rihanna up. Later, when they find a new favorite, Rihanna will face the same fate.

Why people can't appreciate talents before they are gone too soon?
Isn't she going to do a video for the song? Beyonce should release a different song from her album.
Isn't she going to do a video for the song? Beyonce should release a different song from her album.

Yes, there is a video. There are video teasers that have been released. Sounds like she is pushing forward with this latest song.
Don't you have to rule first, in order to be dethroned? :unsure:


In today's World, there's not one artist that gets the universal acclaim like MJ, Madonna or John Lennon got......

......Even if you hated John Lennon, you couldn't deny his ability to write songs......

So in my estimation, there are no current Kings or Queens of any part of the music industry!!!!
Agree, 100%.


In today's World, there's not one artist that gets the universal acclaim like MJ, Madonna or John Lennon got......

......Even if you hated John Lennon, you couldn't deny his ability to write songs......

So in my estimation, there are no current Kings or Queens of any part of the music industry!!!!
Beyonce is to me one of the worst people in the industry. Shallow, horrible, skank lyrics...

Welcome to about 99.9% of pop music. Why criticize Beyonce for it, when the above description can be applied to just about any mainstream female singer right now, from Rihanna, to Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Britney Spears, Xtina Aguilera, et al.

Out of all of them, however, I think Beyonce is definitely the most talented, (and I'm not even into her music), however, I know talent when I hear it, and Beyonce could outshine everyone I mentioned put together (if we exclude Aguilera). I think Xtina would be the only modern pop artist (who sings skanky songs) who could possibly rival Beyonce. With that said, somebody like Rihanna, whose singing is average and whose live performances tend to verge on the terrifying, couldn't possibly "dethrone," much less "replace," a presence and talent like Beyonce.

As for the hero worship/later kick to the curb phenomenon, it happens all the time. Expect everyone most people know and love today to undergo the same treatment Beyonce and Britney Spears are undergoing in the near future, when the media finds new favourites to replace them all, because, truth be told, they are all horrendously replaceable. The mainstream industry is a real b--ch!
Beyonce´s new single is just sooooo bad, there´s nothing new, exciting or revolutionary about it. Just a totally boring pop song with stupid lyrics. Used to like Beyonce but can´t be bothered anymore really. It´s a shame though.
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Mike4eve;3392324 said:
Beyonce´s new single is just sooooo bad, there´s nothing new, exciting or revolutionary about it. Just a totally boring pop song with stupid lyrics. Used to like Beyonce but can´t be bothered anymore really.

Let me guess, is it all 'don't let your man walk all over you, I have my own credit card and I am better then you, I'm an independent woman and work for my...'

Can't stand it!!
Let me guess, is it all 'don't let your man walk all over you, I have my own credit card and I am better then you, I'm an independent woman and work for my...'

Can't stand it!!

...all the while catering to her male audience by exploiting her sexuality. Can't stand it either. I don't want that woman to represent my interests :p
Let me guess, is it all 'don't let your man walk all over you, I have my own credit card and I am better then you, I'm an independent woman and work for my...'

Can't stand it!!

No, it's not even a song. It's a total flop of a "song". There isn't any coherence. It's not cool or edgy, it's just a mess. By far the worst Beyonce has ever done.