Has anyone else noticed that everything Michael Jackson did was bizarre according to the media?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
When Michael takes his kids out shopping it's bizarre
When Michael uses the bathroom it's bizarre
When Michael Sneezes it's bizarre
If Michael has a silly nickname for himself it's bizarre
When Michael brushes his teeth every morning it's bizarre
When Michael goes to KFC it's bizarre
When Michael goes to bed at night and wakes up in the morning it's bizarre

It's quite laughable when you think about it
I have noticed too :mat:
TMZ among some other media outlets quite often uses words bizarre and creepy when they have a post about Michael.
I find these media outlet stories + staff more creepy than any public person ever.
When I get pissed off with these sort of stories, I try to remember what Al Sharpton said in Michael's memorial
"There wasn't anything strange about your Daddy. What was strange was what he had to deal with."
I just read a nice 09 article about the bodyguard talked about Michael's life posted in controversy section, it's so heartwarming but what caught my eyes is the bodyguard said in shopping mall children's nanny Grace showed a pair of children's pants and asked Michael if they were good on his children. The most common thing to every parent in this world. But the next day news is Michael Jackson holding kids underwear. Thats the media, a bunch of creep and pervert. What break my heart most is the public eat whatever media feed them, And then those sheeps laugh at you for defending Michael. I know media will forever turn michael's everything his innocence, his humor, his uniqueness, his huge heart, his everyday life... into something weird, creepy and bizarre. I had never seen anyone else had been mistreated to this level. It's unbelievable. I still don't understand how could these idiot from media call michael's note creepy, dizarre, desperate, a sweet personal note filled with closeness and love from Michael to his then love Lisa, which only meant to be seen by These two.
In my eyes they are the most creepy,bizarre and desperate morons, a bad influence and the creator of the idiot culture.

Yeah, i think the worst thing about all of it is that alot of the general public is stupid and gullable enough to believe that crap.
It's sad !!

It's remind me of that video when MJ was sitting with his son Prince and Debbie in a hotel room in '97 , remember that stupid reporter and these comments ??
Very true analogue..
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Kai Chase revealed Michael's diet on some tv program, she said that she cooked healthy food and she mentioned that Michael drank beetroot juice. The beetroot was too much to some of the journalists as they "thought" it was bizarre!
Where I'm coming from, beetroot juice is considered one of the best healthy drink with huge benefits for general wellbeing.
If these so called reporters had bothered to lift their arses and done some investigative work, they would have found out why Michael wanted it in his diet.
I was gobsmacked to read that it was considered bizarre (by some idiots in the media) to drink it!
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Anyone who juices knows that beetroot juice has great health benefits.....The media scrutinized everything Michael said and did....

I bet they thought it was bizarre that he was able to walk on his own two feet....
I remember when MJ went shopping at HMV in London and apparently it was bizarre. Shopping. For music. Shocking!
I just read a nice 09 article about the bodyguard talked about Michael's life posted in controversy section, it's so heartwarming but what caught my eyes is the bodyguard said in shopping mall children's nanny Grace showed a pair of children's pants and asked Michael if they were good on his children. The most common thing to every parent in this world. But the next day news is Michael Jackson holding kids underwear. Thats the media, a bunch of creep and pervert. What break my heart most is the public eat whatever media feed them, And then those sheeps laugh at you for defending Michael. I know media will forever turn michael's everything his innocence, his humor, his uniqueness, his huge heart, his everyday life... into something weird, creepy and bizarre. I had never seen anyone else had been mistreated to this level. It's unbelievable. I still don't understand how could these idiot from media call michael's note creepy, dizarre, desperate, a sweet personal note filled with closeness and love from Michael to his then love Lisa, which only meant to be seen by These two.
In my eyes they are the most creepy,bizarre and desperate morons, a bad influence and the creator of the idiot culture.

Well said.

I think it's psychology. They know that if they keep repeating something people will believe it, even if it doesn't make sense. Unfortunately that works on most people. Humans are generally easy to brainwash and manipulate and many of them have a bully mentality. The media know that.

You make a good point on the irony of the brainwashed sheeps laughing at people who actually can think for themselves.
I remember when Michael wanted the Beatles music in a commercial and he was labeled a sell out, how dare he use the Beatles music and had to stop that ad and years later Jagger and McCartney were lauded for their foresight and innovation when they used their music in advertisements.
Then there was the oxygen chamber and we all rememeber what the media spewed and now celebrities use the oxygen chamber all the time and the media spouts its heal benefits.
To this day Michael is "weird" because he used a surrogate for Blanket yet Jodie Foster, Neil Patrick Harris, Sharon Stone and many others are considered brave for wanting to be a single parent and their parentage isn't questioned.
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Above post about oxygen chamber remind me of Fleetwood Mac documentary that I watched a while ago.
Stevie Nicks said that they had oxygen tanks on tour with them as they needed them in order to sing properly, but if Michael had oxygen tanks, tabloids find it bizarre or he is using drugs or God knows what else they think tanks are for!!!

You mentioned Paul McCartney, it reminded me of when tabloids used to mock Michael for collecting and watching cartoons, the only person who had bigger collection of cartoons was Paul McCartney, but does he gets any mocking for it, no.
I've noticed that. It couldn't be anymore true. I truly think Michael was a once in a lifetime gift to the world. But the world couldn't handle something so great. It's almost as if people are scared of someone with so much love and kindness such as Michael Jackson. Therefore, he was terribly mistreated to the point where every little normal thing he did was scrutinized.

I just read the short story "A Very Old Man with Very Enormous Wings" before I finished school. This was my interpretation: The "man" really was an angel but human kind mistreated and degraded it for their own sick amusement and pleasure. It reminded me of Michael so much. In both cases, the story and Michael, here was a man of good and love under so much pain and people just continued to kick dirt at him and take him for granted to amuse themselves. It's a damn shame. :no:
Yeah, I noticed this too. One rule for Michael, another for every other celebrity it seems. And I have to be honest here, there was a time in the late 90s, when I didn't know what to believe - the media had done a good job screwing with people's minds regarding Michael. Because if you hear/see something enough times, you will believe it - "a lie becomes the truth..."

Courtney, I like you interpretation. It reminds me of another story "The Clown of God" - it tells the story of a person who entertained the world, and then fell out of favour and was treated badly. He aged, and became a beggar - and when hearing that others were giving gifts to the lady and child, he wanted to as well. So one more time, he donned his costume and performed. He passed away during the performance. I always see alot of similiarities between this story and Michael. If you have never heard of the story, it's available on Google Books.
My Guess Is that they didn't expect him to act so normal so they call him Bizarre.They should have left him alone but No. They want him to act Crazy so they can write about it and get ratings:(
Courtney, I like you interpretation. It reminds me of another story "The Clown of God" - it tells the story of a person who entertained the world, and then fell out of favour and was treated badly. He aged, and became a beggar - and when hearing that others were giving gifts to the lady and child, he wanted to as well. So one more time, he donned his costume and performed. He passed away during the performance. I always see alot of similiarities between this story and Michael. If you have never heard of the story, it's available on Google Books.

Wow you are right, there are alot similiarities with this "the clown of god story" & michael and its uncanny. I wonder if michael ever heard this story
For me the worst thing of all is when the media are calling Michael bizarre for doing normal everyday things (Like going shopping) they play sinister music over the footage
I've been watching youtube links posted here about the trial and media's reaction to not guilty verdict, all I see and hear media people bizarre behaviour. It's not Michael that is bizarre, its the world around him:no:
They seriously should look the man in the mirror and ask themselves who is the bizarre one?
I think you have all seen the pics of Justin Bieber wearing a mask like Michael did...Well, I was reading the article about it, and I was reading some of the comments at the bottom....Some people were saying, 'Oh leave him alone! He obviously needs to shield himself from the paparazzi, I wouldn't want cameras in my face like that all the time...'

Now, why is Justin afforded this sympathy, yet Michael was ridiculed for it? It's just terrible to see the media rip MJ apart :(

Such double standards :no:
I don't think everything he did was considered bizarre. It was more like when it was an usual thing he did that was considered bizarre, like wearing masks in public, his disguises, which in the end drew more attention to him, cause there was no way people wouldn't know it was him.
I never got what the big deal about them masks were. If Michael wanted to wear them then that was his own business. He wasn't hurting anybody
I think must of us agree the mofo media has portraying Michael unfairly as a bizarre monster, dangerous for the society! :angry:

I'm not quite sure if it has happened all over the world or some specific parts of it but I've realized, for example Prince, I've never heard anyone saying nasty comments about him because he wears make up or corsets for women but with Michael, media has used many derogatory words for gay men and making emphasis on his "bizarre side". :no: I mean, the fact a man wears make up doesn't make him gay, I really believe that and also, Michael has 2 skin diseases to cover that aren't esthetically appealling as a public figure!

Even though Ricky Martin took many years to tell the truth about his sexuality, media in general supported him the way he decided to have his children but when Michael had Blanket using a surrogate mother, he's a gay weirdo that didn't come out! :doh:

And talking about double standars, Oprah once had a slumber party with a bunch of little girls at her house and promoted it all over her show as though it were the best thing in the world. This was after she had said "she would never put herself in a vulnerable situation like Michael Jackson had done with kids." Apparently, it's acceptable for Oprah to be in a room with little girls in their beds, playing and talking, but not for Michael Jackson, whose "bedroom" was as big as most people's houses. Nobody chastised that hag for doing a slumber party with little girls and she and lots of people did it for spending time with children (the majority of them) in serious need! :no:
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No, never! :what:

About Oprah (S)winfrey having girls in her house.,
pedophilia is always conected with male abusing kids. Just like homosexuality is mostly seen as guys thing. where lesbians are tolerated and considered as hot thing (mostly by guys denying their homosexuality).
Female who abuse little boys is very unfrequent, thats why most people don't judge something like that.

Ricky martin denyed his homosexuality for decades, but everyone knew he was. So it was no surprise and no one judged him.

It wasnt the single things that Michael did weird. They saw him as a whole weird personality, so everything he did, even picking in his nose, would have been weird.

Its in our nature to bring someone down who is interesting, sensetive and trying hard to defend himself.
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How could anyone not have noticed.......it was like they had to create and make sure the image that they created stuck for all eternity. Nothing Michael ever did was seen as normal to them, they just had to twist everything he did. They created the caricature and unfortunately its the image that will remain for some in the years to come.
That's not the point @lom kit...

Many of us had posted clear examples on the media being brutally judgemental and unfair towards Michael which is undeniable.

I mean, Michael is only the weird and gay one for wearing make up despite the fact he has lupus and vitiligo, skin diseases unflattering as a mega star he is but in the media's eyes Prince isn't, emphasizing and cheering his sexual feats with lots and lots of women even though he wears make up too and corsets.

Ricky Martin and other celebs for doing the same thing than Michael for any reason you name received so much support and understanding while Michael was severely criticized, labeled as a bizarre person generating more gossips about his alleged homosexuality.

Even though child sexual abuse is often associated with men, it doesn't mean there aren't women who commit such crime.

My anger and frustration goes towards the fact media has only twisted the truth and actions on Michael, no one has been bullied like him, no one has such racist and derogatory nickname (j&&@o,) only Michael...