Has anyone else ever felt depressed/anxious/sad without any real reason?


I've always considered myself to be a very positive, upbeat person, I'm very happily married and up until a few months ago, I felt very content with my life.

But just lately, seemingly out of nowhere, I'm feeling very low. I wake up in the morning feeling on edge, like I have a nervous pit in my stomach. I feel like something bad is going to happen although it never does. I am feeling depressed and very sad almost every single day. I've completely lost my appetite, most mealtimes just feel like a chore. I'm losing weight and feel as if I have no energy.
But the worst is just the constant feeling of sadness and I can't seem to shake it off.

My wifes been great, she's very supportive and I know she's always there for me.

I think what frustrates me the most is that I don't know where this has come from. There is nothing different in my life from 6 months ago (when I was feeling fine).

Has anyone else ever felt like this without there being a trigger?
Yeah, that's me alright.
I get panic attacks, migraines, and I have to force feed myself most days. But I know where it comes from.
Sometimes we don't consciously have the feeling that something is wrong, but our brain knows it. Maybe there's something troubling you deep inside. Have you considered talking to a professional about it?
Yeah but sometimes I do like getting panic attacks, a little depressed when I be alone in my room. Just you kown like I'm in the meatal mood changes... thats why I took some pills to help me to clam myslef down. But you kown I've to be careful on side effects what my concerd & that why my father trying to tell me also.
I hope you feel back to yourself soon.

I've been feeling very down the past few weeks myself, and for no real reason. I'm having terrible trouble sleeping. Right now its 5am and I'm due to leave for class in 3 hours, I've yet to get any sleep.

I refuse to take a pill to make me feel better. It won't get to the route of why I feel so down. Maybe its just the winter blues. I had a similar situation last winter but I was fine eventually.
You should get it checked out. You should always have a reason to feel depressed/anxious/sad. It should never happen just out of the blue.

When you're like those of us who have plenty of reasons, then you already know the universe hates you and is just trying to push you over the edge in hopes you'll do everyone else a favour and become a recluse. But when you've got no real reason...you should go visit a doctor. That's my recommendation.
Yes it would happen to me out of the blue. Like one minute I would be feeling ok and then the next minute, I can't stop crying. My workmates tell me I'm bipolar. But I just laugh about it later. Since I'm by myself, it doesn't bother anyone but me. So I don't worry about it.
It happens to me as well - one minute I'm just fine and smiling, the other I'm feeling the blues. But that's just my nature...I'm used to it by now as I know I have plenty of reasons to feel that way :)
In your case, it might be the routine to blame (I'm just thinking) or you might feel that there's something you'd want to do/change but you don't know where to start from.
I had been crying or feeling sad without any real reason, but I think that is normal :)
My problem is that I mistake 'depression' for boredom most of the time. I'm the biggest procrastinator that has ever walked this earth and that is 'depressing'. :mad:
good thread :) i have depressed but you have just got to get on with it whatever it is :)
Oh Im sorry to hear you are going through this Its not easy and is more
confusing when you cant find a logical reason why you feel depressed
or anxious. All I can do its tell you about my experience with this and
maybe help you better understand what it might be caused from.

Ive had the same symptoms for years and when I finnalu dicussed it with my DR
I was diagnosed with Clinical depression. Its becuase your brain doesnt produce
enough serotonin a natural chemical in the brain that gives one a sense of well being.

This lack of serotonin is usually brought on from having a long sever depression at one
time or another in you life and your brain gets miixed messages and doesnt produce this
natural chemical as it should. cauasing you to feel down or anxious with no apparent reason.

There are medications you can take that help you brain produce this natural
chemical and they are very effective. They are not narcotics and do not make
you feel high or drugged and its takes about 2 weeks to a month before you notice
the differnece and the effect for me was a difference between night and day. :)

I just feel more focused. I have a sense of well being and Im not anxious over the
small stuff _ I just feel normal and content. I dont sweat the small suff

Best thing to do is go see you family DR and ask if you may be suffering from
chemical depression if so at least try the medication to see if it is helpful.

If you are against medications its still wise to discuss it anyway with your DR
and maybe he can provide other ways to help you _ but dont suffer in silence
reach out for some help

It cant hurt and you may bless the day you did like i do :)
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