Harry Potter Appreciation (SPOIL ALERT)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Las vegas Nevada United States

Anyone here an HP fan?

Well I have been a fan of HP since 2005. I read 1-6 in less than a month, and book 7 in 3 days because i didn't want it to end :(. HP was the first book character i actually fell in love with. I even wanted to marry him :).
It was bad to the point where my b/f at the time was jealous of me wanting to read Harry Potter over spending time with him.

The movies on the other hand I wasn't too keen on. Yes I admit it's because of the movies i began to read the series. But since i had read the series I can't stand the movies 4-5. They butchered it up too much for my taste. Though of course I will watch em lol.

So if your a fan of the book or the movies, please feel free to respond and tell me your favorite book, character, and scene.

as for me my fave character is actually Dobby the house elf. I just love him to bits!!!!!!! I literally cried for 10 minutes after he had died in the 7th book. Second is Harry, and then Ginny. My favorite book was "The Order of the Phoenix" I just love that book!!!!!! All in all the HP series are my favorite books, even if thy're intended for children.
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Re: Harry Potter Appreciation

Yes! I love the books!

I got Prizoner of Azkaban for Christmas in 2001 but I didn't read it until last summer (2007) because I always thought that I don't like fantasy books :lol:
But Gosh good that I then decided just to read it at least once - because it was soo good that ever since I've read all the books many times all over again. So basically I've been a fan only about a year :D

I just read them aaalll again this summer. To me they are something that I could always keep on reading.. I just never get bored to them! (though now I think I'm havnig a little break - after 2 months of reading, I've already seen 2 dreams where I'm escaping Voldemort :lol: )
When you really start to think about the books it's amazing how someone could have really made that all up. I admire Rowling's ability to create such an amazing series.

Ron has always been my favourite from the main characters but I also liked Dobby very much it was so adorable.
And the best part of DH was when it came to light that Snape had always cared of Harry it was awesomee!! :D

I don't like the movies that much though. IMO the first 3 are best.
I didn't see The Goblet of Fire until this summer but when I saw it I was sooo disappointed! It was so different and.. I didn't like it :no:
But still I have to see the last two movies :doh:

Oh, and Sirius was also my favourite character. It was so sad when he died I just couldn't help but cry :boohoo He was so cool.
But in the movies he wasn't at all like what I had imagined him to look like :angry:
Re: Harry Potter Appreciation

I'm a big fan of both the movies and the books. I wasn't really thrilled with the last Harry Potter movie (the book was so much better), but the previews for the Half-Blood Prince look really good. I personally can't wait to see it! :yes:

The Goblet Of Fire, The Order Of The Phoenix, The Half-Blood Prince, and The Deathly Hallows are my favorite books in the series, and The Prisoner Of Azkaban and The Goblet Of Fire are my favorite movies. :)
Re: Harry Potter Appreciation

I love Harry Potter! I read the first book when I was only 7 or 8, and I have loved them ever since. When my cousin and I turned 11, we both actually kept checking through the mail to see if our letters from Hogwarts had come yet, telling us that we were witches and inviting us to come to the school.:)giggle:)

The 7th book is definitely my favorite. I think JK's writing style reached a much higher level as the series went on, and at least for me, the last book was the best, and definitely the most emotionally powerful. I honestly cried through most of the last half of the book. While reading the 7th book and learning about Snape's tragic story and his love for Lily, he became my favorite character, and I was deeply saddened when he died. As for the movies, I love the first, second, and fourth ones, but for whatever reason I cannot stand the 3rd movie. I didn't like the 5th movie either because so much was cut out to keep the movie a reasonable length that I feel they lost the "core" of the book.
Re: Harry Potter Appreciation

hey y don't u guys put up disclaimers or the *spoiler* alert when mentioning things major in the movie such as a character passing? some people here ONLY watch teh movies an dhave no idea certain people bite the dust in thebook.

gof was supposed to be two movies but before curon left (director of p o azkaban) he convinced the director of gof NOT to make it into two movies. i hope the half blood prince is good but they did state that the hallows will be two movies. it hella has to be cuz it's so long and they have a lot of ground to cover

those that read thebooks know there' sa big deal about harry having his mother's eyes etc.... but the only movie that really mentioned that was the fourth one and it's a major thingin the final book. hmmm we'll see how it goes
Re: Harry Potter Appreciation

My favourite books are probably POA (because that's what I read first and though I didn't understand much because I hadn't read the first two before I liked it very much), GOF and the last one. The 4th book is IMO the most scariest book and they didn't manage to put that on the movie and it disturbed me so much that there was no sphinks on the labyrint in the movie!

While reading the 7th book and learning about Snape's tragic story and his love for Lily, he became my favorite character, and I was deeply saddened when he died.
Me too and it was so sad :(

soso def said:
hey y don't u guys put up disclaimers or the *spoiler* alert when mentioning things major in the movie such as a character passing? some people here ONLY watch teh movies an dhave no idea certain people bite the dust in thebook.
That's true, Gisselle could put a big red alert to the first post. :yes:

I've heard that Half blooded prince will also be in two movies?

'娨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨0222222222222,,,,200222,33333, (greetings from my niece :lol: )
Re: Harry Potter Appreciation

Aaah, I still can't believe there won't be any more HP books - end of an era! Hopefully the last few movies will be really good. My faveroute character has always been Snape - I've always defended him lol and I knew it would pay off:D. My faveroute book in the series is probably The Order o/t Phoenix, can't really put my finger on why though.
Re: Harry Potter Appreciation

^yay, another Snape fan! :)

sorry soso, didn't mean to ruin anything. a spoiler alert would probably be a good idea

The One said:
I've heard that Half blooded prince will also be in two movies?

I don't think so. i know the 7th one is though. hey, if you guys haven't seen it yet, the trailer is now out for the 6th movie
my fave bit in book 7 was "ACCIO HAGRID!"

cracked me up.

i went to the premiere of movie 1 and sat next to richard and judy and cher LOL.
can anyone explain why lupin told the fake moody (at grimmauld place) that he didn't kill him but instead of calling him alastor, he called him albus...was it a typo or?
Re: Harry Potter Appreciation

I don't think so. i know the 7th one is though. hey, if you guys haven't seen it yet, the trailer is now out for the 6th movie
OK then it was just a rumour. :smilerolleyes:

Thanks for the trailer, I haven't seen it.
I have to say I can't wait to see the movie! :wild: