Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince

Jul 25, 2011
Anyone else seen this movie? What did you think of it?

I thought it was brilliant. :) I wasn't sure what to think after the Order Of The Phoenix, but this reaffirmed my faith in the series. All the actors/actresses were on top of their game and in fine form. There were some scenes left out, but not enough to really complain about. This movie was a lot more faithful to the book, which I loved.
I will be seeing it tomorrow. I watched The Order of the Phoenix online the other day, and I was pretty disappointed. They cut out a lot of stuff from the book, and it was like a half-hearted effort.

I personally do not like Daniel Radcliffe as an actor. He has the Harry Potter look, but I don't feel that he is very convincing. I'm pretty excited about the Half-Blood Prince, I've heard great reviews, and I've enjoyed the books (from the 4th one onwards, especially because they took such a drastic turn).
I just saw it today, and it was fabulous!!! They did cut out some parts, but overall, it was great -- definitely the best HP movie made to this date, and I can't wait for the last one (which is split into two installments).
And did anyone notice how CUTE the Weasley twins got?!!!! And Cormac McLaggen (the guy who's interested in Hermione):


I loved it.
Saying that though I thought it was a very,very complex story line,quite hard to follow.
Went of track a bit,as far as the real storyline was concerned away from all the snoging,but other then that I loved it.

I cant believe Dumbledore :(

There was this thing going around where it was either going to be him or Ron.

Also they cant put the hole book into a film,its impossible.
I'm going to see the film tonight :D i cant wait, i hope its better the Order Of The Phoenix i felt that film was abit rushed
I'm going to see the film tonight :D i cant wait, i hope its better the Order Of The Phoenix i felt that film was abit rushed

You won't be disappointed Darren. :) It's a lot slower than the 5th movie, and there's a lot more to it.
saw it loved it need i say more?! lol Potter is Wonderful!!!left out alot but still very good.
Saw it las t night BRILLIANT!!!!!

I am soo glad there was more ron/rupert in this movie as I think he is the best actor by far and his comic timing was excellent!!
^ Rupert is awesome! He's such a comedian :lol: (and very cute too, lol)

I saw the movie on Friday (Finland's premiere) and I must say I'm very happy with what I saw! In my opinion it's the best movie that has been made of the books. :yes:
I was so disappointed in Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix and I was scared this would only continue the disappointments but no - it really was so much better! (though in some parts it was quite different from the book but that's understandable - also if you haven't read the book the story line MIGHT be little difficult to follow?)

I just can't wait to see the last movies.
Well The Goblet Of Fire and The Prisoner Of Azkaban are still my favorites in the series, but The Half Blood Prince comes in at a close third. ;)

Ron was hilarious, I was laughing my head off when he took the love potion. "Do you even know her?" "No...can you introduce me?" LOL

And the Felix part with Harry was so funny too. "Harry!" "Sir!"

I did cry a little when Dumbledore died. That was just too heartbreaking.
I did cry a little when Dumbledore died. That was just too heartbreaking.
Aww, yes, especially when they lifted their wands to the sky.. :cry: But I knew it was coming so it wasn't so sad as it could've been, I guess.
It was pretty cool actually yes it was well adapted and i really liked some of the scenes but what surprised me most is that it was the same director of the order of the phoenix i thought that movie was s**t but hey he surpassed himself!!!
I want to go see it, but will probably wait for it to come out on DVD. It's insanely expensive here, plus, I'd have to take the kids and they will NOT be interested..so $50 for a movie I don't get to watch .. no thank you! LOL.

I'm glad it was sooo good! I can't wait now!
And the Felix part with Harry was so funny too. "Harry!" "Sir!"

Hehe, I loved all of the comical bits in it :lol:

I actually really enjoyed the film, it left bits out but there was absolutely no way that you could squeeze everything into a 2 hours movie.

It really made me laugh at times, although in parts it was scary and made me jump (when the hand came out of the water, I was expecting it but couldn't judge when it was going to happen!!)

I really love all of the characters too, and McLaggen is too cute!

I'm glad they're splitting the final film into 2, I'm sure they'll be a huge year long+ gap again though between the releases so that will seem like a long time to wait!

Is Hermione not in the next two films then? I heard that she only signed up to 6, and soemthing about her not wanting to be associated only with HP *duh*

That's just ridiculous, lol.
LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may have to go and see it again lol...on an orange wednesday ofcourse im not that mad lol
Hermoine: They only like you because they think you are the chosen one.
Harry: But I am the chosen one.

Hilarious...... :D
I saw it yesterday. I thought it was great. The best Harry Potter movie so far. I wasn't expecting much after the last movie. But the cast and crew are back in form. I'm now thinking the final two-part movie will be amazing. If this movie was anything to go by.
Hehe, I loved all of the comical bits in it :lol:

I actually really enjoyed the film, it left bits out but there was absolutely no way that you could squeeze everything into a 2 hours movie.

It really made me laugh at times, although in parts it was scary and made me jump (when the hand came out of the water, I was expecting it but couldn't judge when it was going to happen!!)

I really love all of the characters too, and McLaggen is too cute!

I'm glad they're splitting the final film into 2, I'm sure they'll be a huge year long+ gap again though between the releases so that will seem like a long time to wait!

Is Hermione not in the next two films then? I heard that she only signed up to 6, and soemthing about her not wanting to be associated only with HP *duh*

That's just ridiculous, lol.

Yeah, the hand coming out of the water creeped me out, too. No comment on McLaggen, but Emma looked cute as always. ;)

No, Emma is going to play Hermoine in the final two movies. She said in interviews that she wants to quit after HP and just be a normal person, but she's going to finish up the Harry Potter franchise.
It really made me laugh at times, although in parts it was scary and made me jump (when the hand came out of the water, I was expecting it but couldn't judge when it was going to happen!!)

Ooh yeah I literally jumped out of my seat when it happend! :bugeyed

No, Emma is going to play Hermoine in the final two movies. She said in interviews that she wants to quit after HP and just be a normal person, but she's going to finish up the Harry Potter franchise.
Well that's great, it would be insane if she decided to quit now.
My friend and I are going to go see it Wednesday. We can't wait! :) I would have seen it sooner, but I did not have the time.

I :heart: Snape!! Especially Alan Rickman. :D
Oh thank you for clearing that up!! I heard somewhere that she wasn't going to do the last films, but phew :)