Happy Mother's Day (to any mums on MJJC)


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
Happy Mother's Day to any mum's on MJJC! :flowers:
Hopefully you have recieved some cool gifts and cards.

I brought my mum a pair of earings :)

I hope to have children of my own someday but at the moment I would just like to share with you all that I love my mummy one hell of a lottt :D

Please do share :) xoxo
Happy Birthday Mom :) :flowers:

She is not on here, but I love her very much :) Me and my Dad have spolit her already today!!
Mother's Day is not until May:scratch:Oh wait this must be the holiday for mum's in the UK. I will say happy early Mother's Day to my mum anyway!
My Mothers Day wasn't the best because all my children are away either traveling or at Uni. I would have loved to have seen them and give them a big hug, especially my middle daughter as I haven't seen her since November because she is traveling around South America. She did phone though, so I heard her voice which made me cry with happiness.

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to everybody celebrating today.

We only have it on the first sunday of may witch is...have no idea what day.lol

Was it mothers day in USA?usuallyit is in may too.:scratch:
And I was just about to go and slap all my family members, one by one, thinking they had forgotten about me, lol.

I am from the U. S. had no idea we celebrate mother's day on different days.

I feel like an idiot, lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well a nice one anyone.

Happy Mother's day to all of whom it apply.