Happy International Left-Handers Day!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Georgia, USA

How many Southpaws do we have here? I'm left-handed, but have adjusted to doing things right-handed since I was a kid. I can only write with my left hand, but use a knife, mouse, keyboard and calculator right-handed. My brother bought me a computer keyboard set up for left-handed use, but it just confused and irritated me, LMAO! My political views are more right, too. . . :unsure: :fear: ;)

I'm the only lefty in my family, too. Both parents, my siblings, even my aunts and uncles on both sides are right-handed!
Well, I had no idea! :D I, too, am left handed as is my husband... and, curiously, I use a mouse and scissors with my right hand. It feels weird the other way. Anyway, you know what they say, "Left handed people are the only ones in their right mind." :lol:
Well, I had no idea! :D I, too, am left handed as is my husband... and, curiously, I use a mouse and scissors with my right hand. It feels weird the other way. Anyway, you know what they say, "Left handed people are the only ones in their right mind." :lol:

Cool, a lefty couple! I always seem to end up with right handed men, lol! Sports wise, I bat left handed, shoot hoops right handed and bowl left handed. :)

I LOVE that saying and tell people that all the time, bahahaha! We lefties are the only ones in our right mind! :cheeky: :giggle:
Are we really the only two lefties on this board? :blink: (I'm in good company, @SheilaMJFan4Ever!)
Are we really the only two lefties on this board? :blink: (I'm in good company, @SheilaMJFan4Ever!)

:lol: That would be very odd if we were, seeing how many members this board has! Too funny: more people were willing to disclose their racial/ethnic identity than post which hand they write with. . . :blink: