Happy- early song


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005
Guys, I can't believe I hadn't heard this song until now...it's one that the teenaged Michael sang..and it is sooo beautiful...

It was released on the Music and me album in 1973 and there are at least 2 live performances of this song swimming around on Youtube. One is part of the Mexico concert in 1975 with the brothers and it was sang perfectly (even though he couldn't reach the notes as they were in the album version- due to his voice naturally changing from childhood to teenager)

He sings it so lovingly, almost as if he can relate to it from the heart..this last part is especially great..

'Where have i been?
What lifetime was I in?
Suspended between time and space..
Lonely until
Happy came smiling up at me
Sadness had no choice but to flee
I said a prayer so silently

Let sadness see what happy does
Let happy be where sadness was...

I can't get over how great it is...imo its one of teh best of the early material..right up there with Ben and Music and Me.

What do u guys think of it?:)
Music and Me is my favourite from this era
but i love Happy, it makes you smile 'let sadness see what happy does, let happy be were sadness was', that is my favourite lyric from the song :D
Yeah, it's one of my favorite early songs. Right after Music And Me. I also love love With a Child's Heart and One Day In Your Life.

I loooove this song. For a while it felt like I was the only one that had ever heard it lol. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. ^_^