hannah montana and condoms


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Miley Cyrus says she wants to be taken more seriously by an adult audience, but LifeStyles Condoms wants to harness Cyrus' appeal to her younger audience ... by encouraging tweens to embrace safe sex.
The prophylactic peddler wants the 15-year-old singing sensation (who has professed that she will be a virgin until she gets married) to be its new spokesperson and is willing to offer Cyrus $1 million to shill its brand.
"Pop culture proves that teens are more ready than ever to disuss the subject of sex," said Carol Carrozza, VP of marketing for LifeStyles. "With recent reports showing that one out of four teenage girls has an STD and the high level of teenage pregnancy, we believe that Miley is both influential and relatable to this afflicted set - and is the obvious choice to get the message of safe sex out to teens across America."
A rep for Cyrus says the teen has not been approached with the company's offer yet, but that it is something her and her camp would never consider.
LifeStyles is also generously offering Miley a lifetime supply of condoms for "whenever she decides the time is right."
Maybe Trojan could recruit the Jonas Brothers and give a whole new meaning to the term "promise ring."
Sort of a good idea, sort of bad. I don't want kids having sex, but if they do, I certainly want them to protect themselves. Having someone like that this advertise contraceptives could have them protect themselves, but also make more kids have sex. I'm sure she wouldn't do it, but how can your really advertise condoms without advocating sex?

BTW, Trojans all day!
that lame ass child will be preg. in about six months the way she keeps going...something is really worng w/ her....just look for her latest rant against lovato and some other chick...all over a jonas brother?
''Pop culture proves that teens are more ready than ever to discuss the subject of sex'' - true and so sad to hear it.

What you see at local musical tv? boobs and asses shaking, money on top of it?
Like the - Live Translation From Brothel! :puke:

All I see and sad about: How People Now Using The Sex Theme ( The God's Gift ) just for satisfying themselves.. They using it like an physical action only. So limited! So sad.
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They using it like an physical action only. So limited! So sad.
by that logic, birth-control actually gives more options - having sex for reproductive purposes only would be limiting there but i don't know why anyone would think in these terms.

and for all the religious/devout teen girls participating only in anal-sex for the purpose of 'preserving their virginity', i believe condoms should become a very needed friend.
^ It's all just Disgusting. Too pity, some people so limited to understand it.
omg.......she better DECLINE! hell offer me da 1mill ill do it atleast im legal....look @ my safe sex vid on utube lol
^:lmao: Shaun, ur crazy man!

I am with u Fujon, its a God's gift, shouldnt be wasted with anyone, anytime, anywhere...
If they talk so much about condoms, and safe sex, and that "oh u can do it too, we have condoms so theres no consequences" just make them kids wanna do it, since its so out there and "everybody is doing it" and its so safe and stuff...to hell with them, just because u probably wont get pregnant or get STDs doesnt mean theres no consequences...
some people are being introduced waaaay too early to this subject and kids are curious so...

and yes, sadly, pop and hip hop culture are now too bold!! :no:
I don't believe handing out condoms encourages kids to try having sex. Most teenagers are aware that it is a big decision. If they do decide to experiment thought it's nice to think that there is protection there to prevent them from their first experiences turning out to be their worst experiences (i.e STDs, pregnancy).

Statisics from the States actually show that there has been a drop in teen pregnancies and more teens are abstaining from sex.
I like the idea but I think maybe they should wait until she's 16. Teens are going to have sex. That's the bottom line. So since no one can stop the inevitable, I think promoting safe sex and sexual education is schools is a very positive thing. The danger isn't in teens having sex. The danger is in teens having sex but not having the right education to lower the probability of teen pregnancy and STI's. If you can get a teen-aged celebrity behind the cause then all the better. Teens are more likely to listen to her than a 40-year-old trying to sound "hip" and "relate" to the kids.
mmmmm i dont want her encouraging my daughter to buy
'hannah montana's' brand of condoms (birth/std control)...sorry
if that makes me errrr unhip or if I seem ignorant to the reality of teen sex.
My teen knows about the perils of sex and the expectations have been
set, with regard to her activity in the matter. Miley/Hannah can promote
responsible actions and offer education on matters of safe sex, without endorsing
a specific brand of condoms. If she or any other teen idol wants to promote birth
control, they can set the example by not being SKANKY AZZ, NASTY Ho-Bags :chichi:

:D that is my :2cents:
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I think it's a great idea actually! Because not every teen comes from a religious background. And even if they do some of them do not stay abstinence.
There is a lot of peer pressure especially among gangs. I mean for a girl to be even initiated into gangs you have to be either beaten up or gang banged by the guys from the gang. and how many of them do you think use protection, or are pregnant, or have STD's? So promoting to use condoms is a good thing. Helps prevent STD's and Teen Pregnancy.

It helps when a teens idol is understanding what they are going through. Especially if the teen does not communicate with their parents because they feel ashamed, or that the parent wouldn't understand.

Why not have a teen idol put out a message of safe sex? It will get teens to be more aware of the consequences than being blind about the whole thing.

Whether you are a teen or not. The individual will know when they are ready to have sex. They will have it whether you want them to or not. So at least let them be prepared for the cons/pros of having sex.
Yeah promoting safe sex is great .. my point is, nobody has to endorse a specific brand of prophylactic, to get a message of safe sex across. Let Miley/Hannah promote responsible/safe sex all she wants. That would be great ... she doesn't have to be saying, "use this brand of condom" though. She could promote responsible decisions, do public service announcements directed at her TEEN audience, at appropriate times. Her entire audience is not teens who are possibly thinking of having sex ... my 7 year olds think she is quite amazing also. There are even younger kids that look up to her as well.

bottom line, she doesn't need to get paid by a condom company, in order to promote safe sex.
mmmmm i dont want her encouraging my daughter to buy
'hannah montana's' brand of condoms (birth/std control)...sorry
if that makes me errrr unhip or if I seem ignorant to the reality of teen sex.
My teen knows about the perils of sex and the expectations have been
set, with regard to her activity in the matter. Miley/Hannah can promote
responsible actions and offer education on matters of safe sex, without endorsing
a specific brand of condoms. If she or any other teen idol wants to promote birth
control, they can set the example by not being SKANKY AZZ, NASTY Ho-Bags :chichi:

:D that is my :2cents:


exactly...why dont they set even better examples then safe sex, like eating healthy and doing public services? things that could also apply to her youngest admirerers...
some (or most) teen idols today are setting horribles examples - driving drunk, using drugs and alcohol, being skinny to the point of anorexia, and not to mention the slut behaviour (Paris, Britney, Lindsay, Nicole, etc)...and since these are already lost cases, they should take advantage of the youngest ones like Miley, who havent been corrupted by that yet (I guess) and have her set those good examples, that way some parents wont worry about having their 7 yr old hearing her talk about condoms...IMO!