Hand grenade found in German TII screening


Proud Member
Mar 25, 2009
Thankfully no one got hurt. I hope they find the culprit today! :mello:

A live hand grenade was found on a seat, wrapped in a paper napkin in a Duesseldorf, Germany movie theater (UCI Kinowelt) after 800 people had just watched TII on Thursday evening. It was found by a cleaning woman in the TII theater. No further details at this time and no arrests yet. Police say it was fully functional and would have exploded if the pin had been pulled. Thank God that nothing happened!!!!!! You can read articles in German about it below:

Handgranate im Kino entdeckt

Scharfe Handgranate in Düsseldorfer Kino gefunden

Latest update:
There were actually 50 people watching TII, but 800 overall got evacuated in the entire UCI Kinowelt cinemas. It was closed down for 4 hours while dogs and police looked for more explosives (nothing else found). Police searched an apartment, but haven't given any info about if they know anything. The grenade was a newer model and they think it must've been smuggled into Germany fairly recently.

[Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this. It is news and in connection with This Is It, just wasn't sure if it should go here or in General Discussion. Mods, please move if need be, thnx.]
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Unfortunately, it's totally real, yes. That's WAZ (Der Western), the main newspaper for my state here in Germany as well as an article in Hamburg's main paper. No tabloids. It's on the news here as well. I'll try to find a video link.

I knew this would be scary, but at the same time it's news and it's happening right near me. What the motive was... wtf? Was it just because it was a big release, meaning nothing connected with MJ? Or was it against fans? Or was it someone seriously over the edge about MJ's death? I'm just glad nothing happened!!!!!! I hope they catch this person and I mean like TODAY!
Michael's L.O.V.E. saved them..He is looking out for us..
Thank you God! It is very scary indeed..
Latest new updates:
There were actually 50 people watching TII, but 800 overall got evacuated in the entire UCI Kinowelt cinemas. It was closed down for 4 hours while dogs and police looked for more explosives (none found). Police searched an apartment, but haven't given any info about if they know anything. The grenade was a newer model and they think it must've been smuggled into Germany fairly recently.
damn haters.

and then everyone else EXPECTS us to believe no one wanted to murder Michael on purpose.