Halloween/School Stories Regarding Michael :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sorry it's taken me so long to write about this!

I was teaching at a primary school on the day they got Halloween holidays.
Two Michael-related things happened!
Some classes were gathered in the hall for an assembly during which they showed off their Halloween costumes (everyone had to dress up, including staff!) and performed poems etc.

So the caretaker comes in to the room, dressed completely in Elvis gear head to toe. What do a LOT of the kids shout out when he comes in?
"It's MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!" Hahahaha! The kids were only 5/6 by the way haha.

In one of the classes I was in, I don't know how but one little guy (again, 5/6) started talking about Michael. The teacher was playing Thriller to add to the Halloween atmosphere! He said, "I love Michael Jackson" started singing Bad and saying how it was one of his favourites. Haha so cute.

LASTLY, there was a Halloween disco for the children. One child was dressed as a BRILLIANT Michael. It was the coolest outfit ever! He had black trousers, white shirt with white t-shirt underneath, white socks, armband and best of all, a long, curly, black wig and a black fedora. He was in 1st class I think which is age 6/7. People said he had the moves too but I didn't see him dance, haha.

I just wanted to share to maybe raise a smile in your hearts safe in the belief that Michael is forever! x