Had Michael A Dog Fear? Gotham Chopra Says "Yes" and He Had Helped Michael Overcome It


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Gotham Chopra's pet helped Michael Jackson overcome dog fear

American author and entrepreneur Gotham Chopra has revealed in his new book that it was his beloved pet pooch Cleo that helped late Michael Jackson overcome his fear of dogs.

The socialite visited the King of pop at his Neverland Ranch home with his father Deepak one weekend and, not knowing about the superstar's fear, took his canine friend with him.

In his new book Walking Wisdom, Chopra recalls, "Michael's fear of dogs was well documented, attributed to the fact his father had had violent fighting dogs when Michael was a kid.

"Alas, what hadn't been written about was his change of heart. I'm not going to speculate that Michael ever did get over his fear of dogs, but I can say that he did get a dog - several, if memory serves - over the years for his kids," the Daily Express quoted him as saying.

"I like to think that... Cleo had a lasting impression on him, and for a brief time, turned into friendship," he added.

Michael had two dogs named Sasha and Shadow as far back as 91 or 92 you heard him talk about it on those Glenda tapes. I hate the Chopra family
The chopra's never dissapoint,always using michael to market their products.
Bodyguard said they saw him chase the family dog, David Michael Frank talked about the family dog.

Yeah, I am sure Michael constantly had family dogs, overcoming his own fears year in and year out. The man had everything from "Bambis", to Elephants, to Spiders crawl over his face.

And now he was scared of dogs? Sure. :rofl:
Maybe he just plainly did like these tiny obnoxious dogs, maybe he liked REAL dogs?
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Michael had two dogs named Sasha and Shadow as far back as 91 or 92 you heard him talk about it on those Glenda tapes. I hate the Chopra family

True, and we saw many pictures with young Michael and his german sheperd - however in the PHV he was talking about this fear during the christmas footage with Dame Taylor :scratch:-

and I don't like the Choprahs - They talk too much for their own publicity using Michael's name
It seems i should start this thread on the Tabloid Talk :) I didn't know Gotham Chopra was that kind...

Thanks all
Also when you watch that Unauthorized Interview from 1983 or 1984 he talks about his dog killing one of his llamas. Meaning: he did have dogs, so his "fear" of dogs couldn't have been so big.

Again this guy.
I am sure Michael was not afraid of dogs or any other animal.
We have tons of pictures.
Michael loved animals and animals loved him back.
Um, in the Glenda tapes you can hear Michael talking to his dog Shadow in the early 90s. Michael only said that he didn't particularly like small dogs in PHM. The Chopras using Michael to promote something, wow, colour me shocked :rolleyes:
Um, in the Glenda tapes you can hear Michael talking to his dog Shadow in the early 90s. Michael only said that he didn't particularly like small dogs in PHM. The Chopras using Michael to promote something, wow, colour me shocked :rolleyes:

That's what I thought too, he was right! the smaller are the worst, the only one who bit me, I could put it in my pocket! :D
Um, in the Glenda tapes you can hear Michael talking to his dog Shadow in the early 90s. Michael only said that he didn't particularly like small dogs in PHM. The Chopras using Michael to promote something, wow, colour me shocked :rolleyes:

True. On the other hand, in Private Home Movies Michael said himself on camera that he was afraid of dogs (Elizabeth Taylor part)
in the first picture the dog look like a teddy dog :laugh: Michael is so cute :love:
Michael WAS afraid of them eventually though, i can't believe it hasn't been said here yet :). During i think Private home Movies, it shows Michael receiving a gift from Liz Taylor, and in that part it's about dogs or something, and he says 'I don't like dogs, they bite' i recall reading about an incident with a dog.
Bodyguard said they saw him chase the family dog, David Michael Frank talked about the family dog.

Yeah, I am sure Michael constantly had family dogs, overcoming his own fears year in and year out. The man had everything from "Bambis", to Elephants, to Spiders crawl over his face.

And now he was scared of dogs? Sure. :rofl:
Maybe he just plainly did like these tiny obnoxious dogs, maybe he liked REAL dogs?

tiny dogs ARE REAL DOGS! I have one. don't be so rude!
Michael WAS afraid of them eventually though, i can't believe it hasn't been said here yet :). During i think Private home Movies, it shows Michael receiving a gift from Liz Taylor, and in that part it's about dogs or something, and he says 'I don't like dogs, they bite' i recall reading about an incident with a dog.

That's what I and Sophielo were talking about :cheeky: but it was when Dame Taylor has awaked him knocking his bedroom door, her pet dog was just behind her so he said that he had some fear from the dogs - however he had several dogs since he was young
He may have been. IDK. I love dogs, but to be honest, I'm kind of afraid of them. They seem to want to invade your personal space a bit too much to be healthy lol. My best friend has this most adorable pitbull puppy, whom I love very much, but to be perfectly honest her desire for closeness scares me sometimes.

Same with cats, although this isn't too much of a problem since they don't consistently want to be close. When they do, however, I feel a bit invaded. That's why I stay away from my brother's cat, as much as I love him. I prefer to love cats and dogs from afar lol.

As far as a possible incident with a dog? Perhaps Michael had one, although this isn't necessary all the time. I've had nothing but positive experiences with both dogs and cats, and I am very fond of them both, however, that doesn't change the fact that they scare me sometimes.
I think he was like..." Those small dogs can be a pain in the a** ".
And that is true. I adore dogs but they can be pretty crazy.
Big dogs are much calmer as if they are aware of their size and strenght. :)
He didn't like Liz's dog. :lol:

I used to be scared of those things too. :lol:
He may have been. IDK. I love dogs, but to be honest, I'm kind of afraid of them. They seem to want to invade your personal space a bit too much to be healthy lol. My best friend has this most adorable pitbull puppy, whom I love very much, but to be perfectly honest her desire for closeness scares me sometimes.

Same with cats, although this isn't too much of a problem since they don't consistently want to be close. When they do, however, I feel a bit invaded. That's why I stay away from my brother's cat, as much as I love him. I prefer to love cats and dogs from afar lol.

As far as a possible incident with a dog? Perhaps Michael had one, although this isn't necessary all the time. I've had nothing but positive experiences with both dogs and cats, and I am very fond of them both, however, that doesn't change the fact that they scare me sometimes.

I'm sorry but this is nonsense, it ALL depends on how you as a human being treat and raise your dog, i really disagree highly with you on dogs invading our personal space. I absolutely don't know what you are talking about. A dog is a friend for life, a friend who will go through fire to save its owner, REALLY go through fire. It's very much like raising a child, if you raise it to be extremely close to you , and nobody else...the child will be like that. If you raise a dog to be extremely close to you, to let it do anything that you might consider 'invading personal space' ...he'll do that.