H1N1 Any1?


Proud Member
Feb 19, 2008
Illinois - U.S.
Anybody had it? Knew a friend who had it?

I just got sent home from my college because i'm too much of a risk to have at school. Good thing I don't live too far away from home. I haven't been this sick in forever!!!! I usually get over a flu bug in a day. This h1n1 thing has hit me for 3 straight days. It must be a mild case for me because I haven't been asked to go to the doctor for anything yet. I just have to get rid of it like any other flu. The only thing is it can easily spread, which is probably why I was sent home. I'm tellin' ya, you cough a whole lot, your body hurts all over, you run a high fever, and you can occasionally vomit, but it isn't a stomach flu. I'm just now starting to feel better.

I'll also leave it up as a general discussion on the whole H1N1 epidemic, media frenzy it's been as well.
^^ Wow, how many people at your school have it? A large percentage or small?

I hope you feel much better soon!!! :better:
I have had it June 23rd and it lasted me about a week... when I got the news about Michael , I was so stressed that the virus weakened my whole immune system. I had a temp of 103 was in bed for 3 days, I honestly felt I was going to die.. I even feel like I had a out of body experience. So it can be dangerous. I hope you get better :hug:
I will pray for you :pray:
Wow, thanks guys! I appreciate it! I'm feeling better now. It's turned into somewhat of a cold/cough now. Thank the Lord the fever's gone. I've been out of school for 3 days, and honestly, that's all I can afford, lol! Gotta get back tomorrow for sure!

Wow, mjstarlight! 103?!?! My temp got as far as 101.5 and that was bad enough for me. AND you had it when Michael passed? Oh my heavens, thank goodness you're better! It must've been hard trying to get better in that time. I know i'd be crying like a baby, making my head hurt, on top of a fever/sore throat/coughing...that can't be good, lol!

Props to anyone who's fought the disease off. It sucks...
Aw, I hope you feel better soon! I had it in the summer, it's really awful. I haven't felt that ill in a long time.
I never had it but a few friends have had it. One person who I work with had it and I work next to him. He felt rough for a week but soon fine.
I'm just getting over it. This is my first day in 5 days with no headache. And my neck isn't as stiff. In all honesty the regular flu was sooooo much worse, it was just the headache, stiff neck and sore throat that got me. The second day was the worse for me, I woke up, started getting out of bed and got so dizzy I fell down. I was running a 101.6 degree fever but that lasted 1 day. Hopefully by tomorrow I will be 100%. I hope you feel better soon, I hate being sick.
I live in Ohio, one of the "red" states in the U.S. with very high flu population now. Most people aren't being diagnosed with H1N1 per se because they're advising people to NOT go to the ER or doc's office unless symptoms persist or worsen, so not alot of actual testing that confirms it. I had nausea/diarrhea/headache/cough/fatigue and fever beginning of this week, feeling about 75% better now, more energy, but quesy alot of the time. For some reason it's more dangerous for pregnant women and very young children especially (can't remember why the pregnant women).

One theory by medical people about why it is not as dangerous to adults (unless they have other problems) is that there was the Swine flu epidemic in the past which most people were exposed to and developed some immunity as a crossover effect, even though this is a different and new strain, but related.

From everything I've read locally, developing pneumonia as a result of H1N1 is what is usually causing the deaths we're seeing in many cases.

Hope everone does well and gets better soon if they're sick.
Once, the regular flu knocked me out for a week. I don't think anyone can get over the flu in a day. A stomach virus, yes, the flu no.

I just got over a chest cold. I hate being sick. It sucks!
In Ukraine, schools have been closed, all public events have been banned and restrictions imposed on people’s movements after the country confirmed its first death from H1N1 swine flu.
Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko announced a three-week period of precautionary measures and health officials are said to be considering introducing quarantine across the country.
An outbreak of flu and pneumonia has killed 30 people in western Ukraine since mid-October, but until now officials have been insisting the H1N1 strain was not the cause.
A health ministry spokeswoman said not all the dead were tested, but checks on one body have proved positive.
In western Ukraine more than 5,000 flu cases have been registered during the last week. Tests are now being carried out to determine the origin of the virus.


Ukraine has imposed a three week nationwide shut down on schools, cinemas and banned public meetings after a surge in swine flu cases.
The epidemic has also stopped electoral campaigning as officials announced the first death from the H1N1 virus. But conflicting government reports suggest that as many as 11 people may have died.
Ukraine’s chemists have been inundated as people stock up on anti-flu medicines and face masks.
Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said emergency funds would be used: ‘‘Ukraine, by allocating money from the reserve fund, is buying the necessary quantities of medicine that are able to cope with this virus.’‘
Strict restrictions have also been placed on movement.
Ukraine’s health ministry has established quarantine measures in nine of its western regions as cases in flu sore.

Polish health authorities are not taking any chances either and have announced a state of alert in the southeast of the country.


today I had seen the report in the news about how the things goin' on there:

''Ukraine's swine flu death toll rises to nearly 50, more than 150,000 flu cases have been registered''

it's spreading there really quickly
Wow I'm glad you all have survived the H1N1.. I don't know anyone who has/had it and hopefully won't get it myself either.
My friend who is my neighbor currently has it and a few people at school do.
Ugh, I just hope I don't get it. I really don't want to miss school or anything.
Anybody here who has it, get well soon and anybody who had it, hope you're feeling better! :flowers:

I don't see why everybody think the swine flu is anymore serious than the regular flu though. People die from the flu everyday, more than the swine flu. They're just sensationalizing the swine flu.
In holland 10 ppl died of H1N1.
Part of the public can get vaccinations for it ppl with more risk to die of it.
I have asthma so I will be called to get the vaccination but I read very bad things about it.
A lot of ppl who got it in Sweden got sick after getting the vaccination.
And a lot of stuff that's in it is quiet dangerous too, the vaccinations aren't even tested properly so I'm not sure if I'll go end get it..
I knew someone who had it. They are better now though.

I hope you are well now, Rochelle!!
In holland 10 ppl died of H1N1.
Part of the public can get vaccinations for it ppl with more risk to die of it.
I have asthma so I will be called to get the vaccination but I read very bad things about it.
A lot of ppl who got it in Sweden got sick after getting the vaccination.
And a lot of stuff that's in it is quiet dangerous too, the vaccinations aren't even tested properly so I'm not sure if I'll go end get it..

I got a vaccination some weeks ago and I wasn´t sick at all.
Those I know who has been sick has been sick for one day and then its over.
I work on a healthcentral and the staff had to get the vaccination, most of us got it on a friday and the reason for it is that we don´t work on saturdays, if we were going to be ill..
swine flu shuts down Slovaka-Ukraine border..
in Ukraine 144 deaths since the outbreak of the pandemic in October :(

please, Pray for people there