Guys I Need Your Help


Proud Member
Aug 1, 2009
Somewhere Between Munchkinland & The Land Of OZ
Okay, see my niece has to do this powerpoint presentation for school on Michael and she's asked me to give her a hand on it seen as I know a bit about him and know how to design these things.

But I'm stuck with what song to close it with, Like I know how I want to close it any all which is with a little something about how I see Michael,then a few of his quote and one of his songs, the trouble is I don't know whether to use "Gone Too Soon" or "This Is It" or and entire different song altogether.

What do you guys think, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I've only got 6 hours to finish it as she need it for first class tomorrow.
well, the final decision is yours. but to me, the essence of Michael, that gives no clue that he is gone from us, is Heal The World.
Yeh "heal the world" could be cool :) but like 144,000 said its really up to u.
I've done projects about Michael before and usually close with a Heal the World quote as part of the last paragraph / section so i vote for HTW too
Yay! That sounds like a beautiful choice to me too. Let us know how it goes!
I was halfway through your post and thought of Heal the world! Glad everyone else thought of it too and you're finally doing it. Best of luck to you and to your little niece. Sending her love and hugs:) (())