Gunned down pastor


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Over the rainbow
What are your thoughts and feelings on the pastor that was gunned down and killed Sunday morning during service?

My feelings? I am close personal friends with the family, so you can imagine my feelings. I'm suffering my own grief over this and other things in my life, while at the same time trying to be a help and comfort to my friends who have suffered this tragic loss. I'm just glad he is in a much more wonderful place, his troubles are over, and the plan God had for his life was fulfilled.
I was so saddened and disgusted when I read about that yesterday. It's all so senseless. This pastor did not deserve what happened to him. I'm still in shock.
I don't know what the reason for the gunning down was...i'd like to know..but....there is something about the state of this country...there was a time when even if people didn't fully understand why they were angry at a pastor, it wasn't enough for them to gun the pastor down. even if they had trouble believing in God, they still exhibeted a certain fear of hurting a pastor. now that fear obviously no longer exists. that scares me more than anything for this country. first this.
needless to say, the little boy i babysit will never know his uncle.

friday is the funeral. that may be where i will be that day.
as far as the reason for the gunning, nobody knows. but it is suspected the gunman has lyme disease, which some say can cause bouts of insanity. I don't know.
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I'm always suspicious of pastors and priests etc. It's a bad association but I always think of paedophilia when they're mentioned. Do we know the full story of this pastor?
I'm always suspicious of pastors and priests etc. It's a bad association but I always think of paedophilia when they're mentioned. Do we know the full story of this pastor?

wow it's really too bad you feel that way about pastors and preachers. Bad experiences such as what you have mentioned, really can mess people up. :( Well if you think about it in "Michael" terms, it's the same way. When a lot of people hear the name "Michael Jackson", they automatically think "paedophilia". But we know that is simply not true, right?

Anyway, Pastor Fred did so very, very much for people. I know the family, I know what they are like, etc. My information comes straight from the horse's mouth: from congregation and family members. And there is a lot that the media left out. For instance, Pastor Fred, rather than exiting and saving his own hide, took more bullets, point plank and straight to the heart, before he physically JAMMED UP a semi-automatic 45 save the people in his congregation. See, he knew where he was going. He knew heaven was waiting for him.

Nobody knew the gunman. Pastor Fred did not know the gunman. The only person alive right now that knows WHY this happened and WHAT was said between the two, is the gunman himself. We are waiting on info from him. What we DO know, is that Pasor Fred led thousands upon thousands of people to the saving love of Jesus Christ. He talked the talk, and walked the walk. And he died doing what he loved: preaching the Word of God.

What is sad to all of us, was the several protestors that lined the street outside the church as we drove up before the funeral. These are people who spend their lives actively hating God. it is sad, and we pray for them, because they don't know true joy and contentment.

The funeral itself was a celebration of a full life. I never saw one like it before. There were probably 2500-3000 people there, easy. My family and I were in the overflows watching from there. and about 10,000 had come to the wake the day before. This shows how much people everywhere cared for this man, and how much of an influence he was. This was a painful and sad tragedy, but he have joy knowing that what God had planned for him is done and that we know he is having a wonderful time with Jesus!