Guess what! :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Since I heard about the news I couldn't do anything. I couldn't eat, sleep, walk straight really. :/
I had been trying to create an account for about a month here, but it never seemed to activate, so instead I just lurked and read everything (sounds stalkerish, hehe), it certainly helped me in the last week to not feel alone.
It felt like I was dead too, and I was so sick of it, I was starting to wish I was. My parents told my soccer coach what was up, and turns out his wife saw Michael sometime in the 80's I believe. At first it just brought me more pain to know, had I been born earlier I would have seen him in a heart beat. (I was born in 1994)
So today she gave me a box. She told me to open it carefully, and that she no longer needed it as much as I did.
I had no idea what it could be, I figured it was something to do with soccer, so I opened it without any emotion or curiosity, I was feeling pretty apathetic about everything.
When it was unwrapped I felt like I was going to faint. There were pictures...Atleast 20 of them, all close up shots of Mike during that concert. They're beautiful! In some he's wearing his Smooth Criminal hat, his glove, a thriller outfit, all of that. The shots are so clear that you can see his cheekbones and that twinkle he always has in his eye. I began to cry when I saw one of him on his toes doing that move that I practically broke my leg trying, and he was smiling in it! And she let me keep them all! I've looked at them about 10 times in the past hour, I just can't get enough of them. I think Michael wanted me to have these. :)!
I'm still very sad and heart broken, but it really cheered me up. I'm going to see if I can get any of them up here for you guys to see, they're really something!
I love you Michael, so so much.
thats so cool
your so lucky
and honestly i feel your pain 1 of my life ambitions was to eventually meet michael and it didnt happen in this lifetime
hoping it will in the next
cant wait to see the pics
that is so sweet and amazing!!!!!

(I was trying to create one for a little while too it wouldn't work).
Yeah, I think I'll put them in my album collection.
I know that AEG is ripping us off with the tickets, but one would go perfectly with it... I think I'll just resist and donate it to Michael's favourite charity, he would be proud. :)
So I'll see what I can do with the pictures and let you know if I can put them up!
That's so great that you got those pictures. I'm glad they cheered you up a little bit. It's funny how it can actually be comforting to look at pictures and videos of Michael. I tried to avoid even thinking about him for a while, but remembering and celebrating his life have helped me feel a little better. Michael would want us to be happy.
That's so great that you got those pictures. I'm glad they cheered you up a little bit. It's funny how it can actually be comforting to look at pictures and videos of Michael. I tried to avoid even thinking about him for a while, but remembering and celebrating his life have helped me feel a little better. Michael would want us to be happy.

that's true...the picture that was in the initial banner at the top of the forum...the one where he is pulling at his sweater and smiling, it melts my heart and makes me feel happy. For some reason, when I am sad looking at pictures helps in a way. When my cat died a few weeks ago I went home and looked at his pics over and over, glutton for punishment? Maybe.
Since I heard about the news I couldn't do anything. I couldn't eat, sleep, walk straight really. :/
I had been trying to create an account for about a month here, but it never seemed to activate, so instead I just lurked and read everything (sounds stalkerish, hehe), it certainly helped me in the last week to not feel alone.
It felt like I was dead too, and I was so sick of it, I was starting to wish I was. My parents told my soccer coach what was up, and turns out his wife saw Michael sometime in the 80's I believe. At first it just brought me more pain to know, had I been born earlier I would have seen him in a heart beat. (I was born in 1994)
So today she gave me a box. She told me to open it carefully, and that she no longer needed it as much as I did.
I had no idea what it could be, I figured it was something to do with soccer, so I opened it without any emotion or curiosity, I was feeling pretty apathetic about everything.
When it was unwrapped I felt like I was going to faint. There were pictures...Atleast 20 of them, all close up shots of Mike during that concert. They're beautiful! In some he's wearing his Smooth Criminal hat, his glove, a thriller outfit, all of that. The shots are so clear that you can see his cheekbones and that twinkle he always has in his eye. I began to cry when I saw one of him on his toes doing that move that I practically broke my leg trying, and he was smiling in it! And she let me keep them all! I've looked at them about 10 times in the past hour, I just can't get enough of them. I think Michael wanted me to have these. :)!
I'm still very sad and heart broken, but it really cheered me up. I'm going to see if I can get any of them up here for you guys to see, they're really something!
I love you Michael, so so much.

I think Michael wanted you to have them too. *hugs*
Great story, I have also been missing Michael. It has been very hard on me. I live in Canada myself...near Toronto. I see your from Ottawa. Got any of the magazines yet?
Hi Tamou... that's great! :) I know it's devastating to think about how we will never get to meet him, but it's wonderful to have those pictures.
And I notice you're a fellow Ontario resident! *waves*
Thanks so much guys. If it wasn't for this forum, I'm not sure what I would have done. Not sure I want to think about that. :(
You guys are so kind, I love Michael fans. :)
I went to Toronto a few months ago for a soccer tournmanet :D
And yes, I've gotten all the tribute magazines that aren't making fun of him, I have about 4. Hehe, I think my mom is getting suspicious as to why it's all cut up where his pictures used to be. I made a big collage for my room. :mub:
Your story was really amazing..! I wish I had the same luck as you, getting those pics of him