Guess what? I was plucking my eyebrows to MITM


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008

I was standing infront of the mirror today, plucking my eyebrows whilst having my ipod in one ear and Man In The Mirror was playing. ::no:

All of a sudden I stopped and realised what song it was and found it ridiculously amusing.

Anyone else find this funny?
Your a man in the mirror plucking your eyebrows

:lol: :p haha reading that you find it funny made me laugh.
lol thats so LAME:lmao: love that sort of humor :rofl:

"if you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change"

you know he did'nt meen like - to change you're eyebrows!
But I guess it helps a little even to pluck some hair out of your head :hysterical: defnately fitted the mood!!!! :lol:
hey at least now u know what song to put on when u are plucking ur eyesbrows :lol:
I can't listen to MJ music when I do anything else because I just end up dancing and singing and forget what i was going in the first place.... yeah I get side tracked alot! LOL
you've got to stop it yourself, yeah. make that change!
haha what an appropriate tune :p