Greek fans go public...still press is ironic on us


please share opinion, still now the press is ironic on us from the tittle "oprhans" to the end "drmatic pop festival" ....

babel fish translation

The orphans of King in Greece
From Panagiotis [Menego], Photographs: Yannis [Drakoylidis]
IT WAS PUBLISHED: Friday of 3 July 2009
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Few can claim that they were not upset with the big news of “harmful Thursday”, 25 June 2009, specifically if existed children or adolescents in '80s.[O] Michael Jackson were the collective recollection of entire season, for somebodies the hero of their children's age. Combined with the legend red jacket, with the clumsy attempts moon-walking front in the mirror, with the 90[ares] cassettes charged with the songs of “Thriller” and “Bad”. The “T” found “orphan” *****, the members of Greek fan club (, few hours afterwards his death, deposed in the past few year, “king [pop]”.

T[o] appointment is in a commercial centre. Absolutely well-matched with the part where it was glorified, sometimes (or always), “king [pop]” - perhaps the last mass arm of eminent American cultural imperialism. Bright alibi, with Madonna, the conservative years of [Ronalnt] [Reigkan]. it was founded in 2000, it has 260 registered members, from which above 50 are active.

Somebodies are met for first time on the occasion the reportage, up to now their acquaintance were limited in on-line activities. They say that it is a very difficult moment and they have need somebody to say him. “We did not sleep the all evening. We spoke to the telephone, we took the streets we calm down little, we gave courage the one in the other”, says [Giota] Anagnostopoulos, that travelled from Heraklion in order to it is found with similar her. They do not pretend convulsing, (they show that) they are.

[Galinos] [Tsimpanakis] says: “I began to hear from “Bad” and then. When it circulated, it happened to me something very serious - I lost my mother on the puberty I was touched by the music of Michael. Gave me incredible force, became my narcotics”.

They are reported in this with small his. They correct me [omadon], when I make the error use vague time. “It was not, THEY IS”, with they bicker. I try to occupy how you acquire psychosis with a person that you will not know never your and that, rightly or unfairly, has accused him for pedophilia up to last attempts of change of colour. Athens [Leibadi], [diacheiristria] site, has a personal history that does not leave margins.

“I am person with special needs and, when I saw him for first [forana] it dances in 1993, me it gave enormous force. Now I feel that I lost my father”. It remembers a letter that it sent to him and it recites from memory (“I know very well his graphic character in order to I know that him it wrote this”) answer that her gave courage and him called in Neverland. “The verses, the dance and his videos. Even my father, that has the strict perceptions of one of militaryman, had been impressed seeing him “Smooth criminal”. I I have gained two times in competitions of dance, “interpreting” pieces”, it remembers Maria with a “pity, [re] [gamo], that I did not anticipate him to see live”.

Only Athina him had accomplished in 2006 in MTV Awards, while [Giota] says that “live him I have not seen, but in 2005 I was found coincidentally in the USA and I passed a walk from the court where was become the controversial trial (!)”.

***** OR *****?

I remind them discreetly the fames. They are not intimidated. They have come provided with document, documents, biographies, probative elements, Wisdom [Moytoy] it gives me a CD with the proceeding of trial. The refrain is common: “Never it did not interest us what they said media, perhaps we were distressed little, but him we considered wrong. From there and beyond, having it enters in the game from the 6 [chronia], he is physiologic it had also psychological… And we we have, you no? Here exist shoppings in Greece that they escape with a [chitaki].

All these fames made us more bigots - from a point and afterwards him we felt member of our family. It can we did not know him never, but we shaped opinion for which person was. It made so much things for the children, that it could not never him harass sexually”, it is the unswerving verdict. Naturally, the consent of [pitsirika] [Tzorntan] [Tsantler] of next I said to him death that “lies” dominates in their own “plea”.

They use phrases as “we fight from 1993”. With who, [re] children? “With the bad publicity and those who they wrote or said what them went down. Specifically in recent times, almost day despite day, we were forced to answer with e-mails and telephones in abusers” - somewhere they are reported [en] [exallo] the names of [Polychronioy], [Droyza], [Mastoraki].


Above 30 would go to the programmed tour paying even ticket of [tetrapsifioy] number Euro to VIP places. [Alloste], also in 1992, that most had supplied him for the Athenian concert, she was cancelled. Nor now they will see him. They cannot accept the death from natural reasons. [Oytos] or otherwise, [thryloi] never do not die thus. As o [Elbis], o [Morison], neither *****.

They have already ready the first theories of conspiracy. They are not alone [alloste]. “[T]o timing is a lot of suspect”, “ate him little front returns and is knelt again the all planet”, “had bad presentiment”, “involves Sony, the multinationals, royalties, his potential economic resurrection”. They have also their sources. “We follow in his twitter choreographer and that it wrote the eve of his him death that hardly it had made the better rehearsal of his career and it was in most excellent natural situation”. Beautifully, but why? “They wanted also the rest of 50% of his list. They sabotage continuously for 15 years, him they left it circulates the piece-hommage in 11 September, they withdrew the disk that was to come out in 2003”.


Perhaps they understand the reserve toward t o their passion, perhaps they want also the himself they remove him from above their. “Many believe that we do not have contact with the reality, that we are stuck with something that does not exist. We are persons with regular life, regular works with important responsibilities - i economist, other professor English, insurers, accountants, programmers etc.

We do not only have in our brain Michael Jackson, but figure, plans, responsibilities. It is not in effect that we do not have other work and simply, when we found itself, we were touched hand-hand and sing “Heal the world””, says [Giota]. Of course, hardly finishes our conversation, asks them to be touched indeed hand-hand and recites his poem “Child of innocence”. After two thinly [tremamenis] recitation, all burst out in claps, somebodies in cries.

[Ontos] fandom he is charged with the stamp of “graphic” in Greece, the hour where in the abroad it is taught in the universities. [Galinos] puts the conclusion. “It is our right live this fairy tale, we pass well with him and in final analysis it is healthier than the fairy tales of other. It is inspiration, positive influence, example for imitation”. And be directed all together in “The Mall” in order to they meet the remainder members. Celebrate the death of ***** as one dramatic [pop] festival. Wasn't this, [alloste], the life and his career?

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