Great interview of Omer Bhatti about Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Norwegian video, but this guy is really a great guy. For those of you who dont know him. He lived with Michael in over 12 years and still have great contact with his children. He sat with the Jackson Family at Michaels memorial and after that the press thought he was MJs secret son. He talk rarely about private stuff.

Here comes the translate:

Here in France "Norwegian talents"-judge and artist Omer Bhatti spent hectic days to record the music video for his latest single " Love You in the Morning ."

Therefore think Omer Bhatti is best to be childish
Would turn down the TV job

Omer Bhatti : - You remind me of myself as small
- I feel like I've been a little safer by doing television work as " Norwegian talents ," says Omer .

It was in fact not a foregone conclusion that he would appear in the panel of judges . Omer has been characterized by shyness all his life and had the starting point plans to refuse to judge the show.

- My first thought was no. The main reason I would not is that I 'm shy . Ever since I was little , I've been quiet , modest and shy, and I am still . People ask me how I can be shy, I like the tv, but it is outside my comfort zone . I grow on the road , he said.

- They have no inhibitions
Omer Bhatti quickly became a hot name in the 1990s when he developed a close friendship with the poplegend Michael Jackson. Growing up in the world spotlight was not easy for the shy little boy from Holmlia in Oslo.

- It's been exhausting . And it's probably something that has made me even more reticent .

Omer lived with Michael and the two traveled around the world. So close were they that Omer sat in the front row with Michael's family during the memorial ceremony in 2009. Worldpress speculated later in whether Omer was Michael Jackson's secret son , and this resulted in him being chased by paparazzi .

- Suddenly, the paparazzi jumps right in front of you . No inhibitions . They go a meter in front of you , snaps , and you are completely shocked. Sometimes you want to knock them down, but you can not do that of cource. You feel disrespected , he says candidly .

Asked the Jackson children for advice
Omer also has a very close relationship with Michaels three children. He says now that they find it very cool that he was a judge in " Norwegian talents ."

- Yes, they find it very fun . Just as they ask me for advice , I ask them also about what they think about things. When I asked about this , they said I should do it. I miss them very much, but we keep in touch and they support me in what I do , he says.

- I will be there for them. Then I have no time to sit and cry or be sad. I have to always be there for them.

- They're like brothers and sister to me. I would feel the same responsibility whether he had passed away. But it will be on a whole different level when something like that happens. Your whole life is turned upside down.

Through his friendship with Jackson, Bhatti has learned a lot of the talented King. This is the main Jackson taught him:

-Rise above. You live and whatever happens ... you have to rise above it. There may be a lot of negatives around me, and I could be hit by the worst circumstances. But that's about where you stand up in the negativity, says Bhatti.

chael Jackson was also the one who eventually inspired Omer Bhatti to overcome their insecurities and the courage to say yes to television work.

- I work a lot with self-development, and I've always calm zen time for myself every night . It was Michael who taught me about spiritual things. He taught me a lot about music and dance, but also about life and his own experiences . We talked a lot . Maybe I did not understand everything there and then , but he has given me a lot of wisdom and knowledge. Things that have emerged in recent years as to think positively , " Law of Attraction ", which he spoke about 15 years ago . He was very philosophical and concerned with meditation.

For radio program Christine at P3 Bhatti said that he is unsure whether Michael Jackson would have liked the old songs were re-released .

Now he would rather not comment on the album, and says it's a coincidence that he does not single the same week that Jackson again tops the charts.

- I will not use Michael in my promotion, and have no special relationship to the new album . But it's fun that my single is on the bestseller lists with Michael Jackson, the first day it is out, he says .

Bhatti miss the familiar friend , and says he would like to have Michael to talk to now that Omer artist and television career leap . And if Jackson still lived , the Bhatti sure that Jackson had supported his work.

- Had he seen the new video , I think he'd be proud.
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