Grandfather in Hospital (Update on post #12)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey all my friends I want to let you all know my grandfather is in the hospital and I need all the prayers I can get from all my dear MJ friends.

He is diabetiec and his kidneys are pretty damaged from this diesase and might need some dyalisis which is the last thing we would want.

Please pray for my grandfather as we are all worried about him. Thank you once again my friends.
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Re: Grandfather in Hospital

I am quite saddened to hear about your grandfather. Hopefully, with the right medical care, he'll be able to make a lasting recovery.
Re: Grandfather in Hospital

Hi Dorothy, I'm sorry to hear about your Grandfather :huggy: I hope you and your family keep strong for your grandfather and that he is able be treated without dialysis. Sending you love
Re: Grandfather in Hospital

I'm sending prayers and love your way. Please keep us updated. :flowers:
Re: Grandfather in Hospital

Hey Dorothy, it's been a long time since I last spoke to you but just wanted to say you and your grandfather will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Keep us all updated x
Re: Grandfather in Hospital

Hi Dorothy, I'm sorry to hear that... :( Sending over lots of love and strength for you and your grandfather. :group: :heart:
Take care! :huggy:

Diana xx
Re: Grandfather in Hospital

So sorry to hear about your Grandfather and I am wishing him all the best.
Re: Grandfather in Hospital

Im so sorry to hear bout ur grandfather dorothy :hug:

I will keep him in my prayers
Re: Grandfather in Hospital

i certainly will pray for your grandfather's recovery. i know what it is to have a relative on dialysis
Re: Grandfather in Hospital

Praying for you,Dorothy,your family,and Grandfather.

keep the faith.

Keep us updated ok?
Re: Grandfather in Hospital

Thank you friends all your prayers were answered my grandfather has no cancer and he will be going home tomorrow. I am so overwhelmed by the news guys you don't know how glad I am to hear this news! Once again you have come to help out in prayer. Without you or the Lord I don't know what the outcome would have been. Thank you once again my friends for being by my side when I needed yall the most. :) It's all for L.O.V.E!
That is great that ur grandfather is going home :) so glad to hear hes ok
I'm very happy to hear he's going back home. My best wishes :hug:
Hi Dorothy,
Good thoughts and blessings to your Grandfather and you and your family. xx
Please to hear that your Grand Dad is doing better...Will continue to keep sending thoughts and prayers to you and yours...

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless

As Always
