Gov Palin, let us introduce you to Photoshop + is it the same speech all the time


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I can't even count how many people have e-mailed me this picture of, what looks like, Governor Sarah Palin in a bikini brandishing a rifle. Allow me to set the record straight because, I shit you not, a ton of folks think this is real. (Smartest country ever!) It's photoshopped, people. How do I know?? Simple: No one is that sexy. Also, the real Sarah Palin would've shot the guy behind her for smoking his cigarette like a homosexual. "BANG BANG! Not on my watch, Frenchie!!"
Funny edit but it is fake people


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Re: Gov Palin, let us introduce you to Photoshop

Re: Gov Palin, let us introduce you to Photoshop

I'm still convinced she does this. :lol:

But yeah it is photoshopped but that's still a nice photoshop. Anything to get at her anti-abortion, gay-bashing, sexist (and everything else) self.
Sarah Palin Gives The SAME SPEECH Over and Over!

This is frustrating.. I mean, she talks a good talk about McCain being this wonderful war hero and such a wonderful man to run Washington, but she is NEVER specific. No one can argue this in the fact that she has given the same speech over and over. Literally, how many times are we going to have to hear about her eBay attempt (because the plane never did sell on eBay) and about her "the good old boys...." I'm sick of it. She thinks that Barack and Joe Biden aren't the real deal and are in it for fame, she's DEAD WRONG. The Republican party have done nothing but speak in general terms and their claims about Barack and Joe raising taxes is dead wrong - it shows that they have not taken the time to get their research and facts straight. And notice how they don't talk about the economy - or THE MIDDLE CLASS.... Not everyone is middle class, but most of Americans are. I am not saying they do not care for this Country, but for Palin and McCain (and half the people that spoke at the Republican Convention) to say that Obama and Biden and the DEMOCRATS in general do not care for this country is WRONG - so wrong... I think Fred Thompson proved in general the real colors of McCain and Palin - black and white... they see in black and white. How can any kind of REAL change occur when someone (we won't mention his name) votes for 90% the SAME as Bush???? Answer me that... and another thing, I am NOT putting down any Republicans here. I have no intention of doing that and if any of you take it that way, that's your fault.
i just want to know specifically why Sarah Palin is a good choice to be McCain's running mate... I actually saw 8 different people on CNN last night say they thought she was great because of how great of a mother she is and say they think she will be great because she keeps things organized and goes after what she believes in. I guess my mom could run too then and any of you or your moms.

McCain and Palin say they will "shake up Washington." I just don't know how if they are 90% the same with G. Bush.
Re: Sarah Palin Gives The SAME SPEECH Over and Over!

Shake up Washington? Please. I don't know why McCain's acting like an insurgent... His party has been running Washington for nearly a decade!
Re: Sarah Palin Gives The SAME SPEECH Over and Over!

Here's the REAL Sarah Palin....impressed aint ya??


Re: Gov Palin, let us introduce you to Photoshop

Also, there are more pics floating around....can't photoshop her DAUGHTER....


Nice, huh?? What type of RUM does this 17 YEAR OLD like to drink anyway?? Or was she SIXTEEN when this pic was taken??
Re: Gov Palin, let us introduce you to Photoshop

Shes getting my vote!!!!
Well, I have to vote for McCain but i am really voting for her.. because she is REAL!

Real Life = Real America!!
Re: Sarah Palin Gives The SAME SPEECH Over and Over!

AGAIN .. Sarah is getting my vote umxxxerxxx McCain!!! LOL
Re: Sarah Palin Gives The SAME SPEECH Over and Over!

ALSO.. there is NOTHING wrong for bringing Sexy back like Sarah Palin!!!
Re: Sarah Palin Gives The SAME SPEECH Over and Over!

^^ And THIS is who you want ONE HEARTBEAT away from the PRESIDENCY?? The PRESIDENCY is reserved for CAPABLE PEOPLE. Not some BACKWOODS DELILAH, some DAISY MAE CLAMPETT!!
Re: Sarah Palin Gives The SAME SPEECH Over and Over!

Linda, while I share your passion - but I must caution that the first photo has proven to be photo-shopped. Not sure of the second one.
Re: Sarah Palin Gives The SAME SPEECH Over and Over!

Linda, while I share your passion - but I must caution that the first photo has proven to be photo-shopped. Not sure of the second one.

Aw who cares. Who cares that they found a PERFECT FIT for HER HEAD on someone elses body, if you believe that Photoshop story....Sarah Palin is a VPILF!!

I think she's sincere, but I wouldn't vote for McCain no matter who he elected as Vice President. Obama is getting my vote! :yes:
I have mixed feelings about Sarah Palin. Her being part of the Republican party I don't agree with most what she thinks politically, the anti-abortion, gun laws and stuff. But as a woman I gotta admire and respect her a bit. It's such a rarity that a woman who has a family is given such a big job opportunity. And I liked the way she handled the "teen-aged daughter pregnant" issue." Life happens. :D Plus no matter what you think of her she is a breath of fresh air in the world of politics today.
Actually a journalist, in the biggest news paper in Finland, Helsingin Sanomat, wrote about this. The journalist, a woman too, wrote that if McCain is chosen to be the president of USA and then he gets tired too soon and Palin takes over "we'll see Palin going bear hunting with the Russians". :lol: That's the impression that I get of her too.
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