Gotta Get This off My chest


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yes i realize this is the wrong section for this but its where i was at the time and my internet is creepin...

This doctor has me so SO SO mad that i cant see straight. How is it he became a doctor in the first place? Did he get his licens out of a cracker jack box?! How is it that this doctor doesnt know the proper way to do CPR if he is a HEART doctor wouldn't that be something he would be a PRO at?! As for him not knowing Michaels address! COME ON PEOPLE! if i had a live in doctor i would make sure he knew my address frontwards,backwards,upside down and side to side.

OH and the biggest thing that makes me SO mad is that he didnt call 911 for 30 minutes! first of all lets all remember what we do when we find someone in the posistion michael was in. 1st we asses the situation, then we scream for help someone comes you tell them to call 911 and then start doing compressions If available you get the AED and hook them up. YOU DO NOT EVER DO CPR ON A BED NO MATTER HOW FIRM IT IS.

You do not stop doing CPR until the paramedics show up and take over..... Now thats another thing Lets examine the paramedics! 6 minutes away from the hospital and it took them AGES to get there. What is that about!? I know there are procauctions to do when you are a paramedic. I know this because i am a first responder...

Which brings up another point. WHERE was the AED?! if this doctor was brought there for Michaels health he should have had a portable AED standing at the ready and any drug that would counter a drug over dose weither accidentle or otherwise.

I blame the doctor for this, I blame him for taking his time trying to play the hero. He wasted prescious time trying to do something he thought was right but infact turned out to be wrong.

And i dont believe that bullsh!t about the phones. USE A DAMN CELL PHONE.

I hope that in the end This doctor gets whats coming to him.

ok im done you can move this if you wish i didnt mean to cause more work for the mods but like i said my internet has turned into a snale.
Yeah this guy on the new's who said that your suppose to do CPRS on a flat hard surface, not a bed, this doctor doesnt know what he was doing.
I hope that in the end This doctor gets whats coming to him.

Well according to CNN, the Drug Enforcement Agency are now involved in the death investigation, so um, stay tuned lol.
Well according to CNN, the Drug Enforcement Agency are now involved in the death investigation, so um, stay tuned lol.

ok I know Michael had drugs. Yea he had pain how could you not with a once fractured back? I dont want to know. I simply dont want to know whats in the toxicology report. That is none of my business. What i want to know is what kind of doctor his man was. Why did he take the one man that could make us laugh and cry with a single look? How could he do that to the world? He took the best thing that was ever brought to us by being careless. He took the worlds greatest entertainer ever. How can he look at himself in the mirror?
I'm also very angry at him. As far as I'm concerned he's def got some blood on his hands! I hope he gets convicted and will be treated as a suspect soon