Gotham on Larry King

Goodbye Michael

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i don't get cnn so i have just watched larry's Neverland visit on YouTube

first of all nice to see how moved Larry King was to be there. He was really touched. I wouldn't be surprised if he asked to be buried there haha. I like how he said something like other people not knowing how he was feeling right now, he was so overwhelmed.

anyway, that's the first ive seen on Gotham Chopra. I was impressed. I think he is a pretty honest and upfront guy, seemed really genuine. Didn't hesitate, didn't seem to word things carefully, just said what he thought and i got the impression it wasn't for the camera's. I could be wrong but i got a sense that he was a pretty good genuine friend. Nice to see.

...actually i also quite like Miko Brando, such an ordinary person with no airs about him. Nice to see real people were in mj's life.

On that note, has Part II of Larry's show aired yet, i'm a world away and it is hard to catch up on everything.
Saw it too, Larry was really impressed. But somehow I thought he had been there before, but anyway like all his other media comrades he will continue spreading lies about Michael.
Hey, I've seen only first part of Larry King when Larry talked with Jermaine and some other reporter did a quick tour in Neverland with Mike, but Larry said the will be more in the next Larry King live. Is there more on youtube?