Got My Exhibition Tickets!!

I'm going on the 14th Nov at the 02 - am slightly nervous to go to the 02 as will feel very sad - am also scared that i am going to really cry and make a fool of myself!
I'm hoping to go next month!! :D I still need to get my tickets though
I'm going on Saturday 7th November but am still waiting for my tickets to come through.
I am going to see Thriller Live on the Friday night.My kids are going to be so excited as I haven't told them were going to any of it yet!
They don't even know we are going to London lol! They will be so hyper when I tell them :)
They have been so upset over Michael and had still wanted to go to London on our show date but I just couldn't face it :cry: but now I feel ready to celebrate him and where better to do so than London :)