Gossip Columnist Says He Is Updated via Sources Within Hayvenhurst

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See the sticky about rules - we can't post articles about that person here. He's actually a traitor to MJ.
Of course he has sources WITHIN the Jackson camp. This isn't new...it is a well known facts. Some in the Jackson camp have diarrhea of the mouth...similar to Klein.
I have never believed anything that Roger Friedman says. He is not providing any information in the article that hasn't been speculated on by a variety of tabloid papers and media. He even quotes of all things the least credible rag, the National Enquirer trash about Rebbie and Grace.

He hates all things Jackson so the idea that someone at Hayvenhurst is giving him info seems a bit far-fetched. And if they did, wouldn't they give him something better than recycled tabloid stuff?

Isn't Freidman banned from this site?
aint he stating the obvivous. its obvious hes been given info over the last few months.same as tmz
I thought we couldn't post things by him.

I'm sure the rules were changed a while back... after Michael's death Friedman seemed to change his tune and has actually been quite fair in his reporting. Halperin is still banned though obviously.
Of course he has sources WITHIN the Jackson camp. This isn't new...it is a well known facts. Some in the Jackson camp have diarrhea of the mouth...similar to Klein.

exactly...so it wouldn't surprise me

aren't some of the Jacksons also using TMZ to broadcast their personal vendettas against each other?
I'm sure the rules were changed a while back... after Michael's death Friedman seemed to change his tune and has actually been quite fair in his reporting. Halperin is still banned though obviously.

Thanks for answering.

Fair in his reporting? Did anybody see the article he put out about MJ and Paul Anka. There is a link to it in the article attached in this thread. There he talks about MJs dishonest nature and a bunch of other seemingly ignorant things. He should maybe be back on the list. I guess he figures enough time has passed to allow him to return to his old ways?
Thanks for answering.

Fair in his reporting? Did anybody see the article he put out about MJ and Paul Anka. There is a link to it in the article attached in this thread. There he talks about MJs dishonest nature and a bunch of other seemingly ignorant things. He should maybe be back on the list. I guess he figures enough time has passed to allow him to return to his old ways?

I don't know about that article, I don't go out of my way to read what Friedman's been saying or anything, lol. But compared to the crap he used to write, his recent articles that I know of are practically angelic in comparison. :mello: I'm sure if they get that bad again the rules will be changed
Friedman plays his audience. He says vicious things about MJ and then he'll come around with something mild so people keep reading him, but his hatred for Michael and the Jacksons has not changed, in my opinion.
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