Gossip | celeb-obsessed culture


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
why do we do it?

it's very rife on the social www (forums, blogs, media sites etc.) and definitely a staple in most boards i visit.

i used to involve myself in some gossip-related discussions while knowing it was pretty pathetic and in most (if not all) situations i found it to be wrong. about two years ago i lost all interest.

i just want to get some view-points here on speculative or unsubstantiated talks, etc. specifically revolving around other people's private lives.
dont no hard to answer, multiple reasons... could be fascination with people, critical of themselves therefore critical of others, not in control of their own life therefore feel a need to comment and feel in control of someone elses???

but sometimes it's this:
Tall poppy syndrome (TPS) is a term used in Australasia for a levelling social attitude, pushed to the point of bad behaviour. Someone has tall poppy syndrome when they are envious, defamatory, or overly critical of someone because of their notionally higher economic, social or political position.
I definitely think a lot of people have tall-poppy syndrome. When someone gets too big for their boots there's a tendencies to bring them back down to your level. Look what happened to Mike. Biggest star in the world, people decided he was too big and famous for his own good and turned on him.
dont no hard to answer, multiple reasons... could be fascination with people, critical of themselves therefore critical of others, not in control of their own life therefore feel a need to comment and feel in control of someone elses???

but sometimes it's this:
Tall poppy syndrome (TPS) is a term used in Australasia for a levelling social attitude, pushed to the point of bad behaviour. Someone has tall poppy syndrome when they are envious, defamatory, or overly critical of someone because of their notionally higher economic, social or political position.

It could'nt be put more clear than this imo :)
Jewel put it best in her song "Good Day".

"I think I might watch some TV, cause it's nice to see people more messed up then me."
dont no hard to answer, multiple reasons... could be fascination with people, critical of themselves therefore critical of others, not in control of their own life therefore feel a need to comment and feel in control of someone elses???

but sometimes it's this:
Tall poppy syndrome (TPS) is a term used in Australasia for a levelling social attitude, pushed to the point of bad behaviour. Someone has tall poppy syndrome when they are envious, defamatory, or overly critical of someone because of their notionally higher economic, social or political position.

that's a good enough explanation for me, in a nutshell.
I definitely think a lot of people have tall-poppy syndrome. When someone gets too big for their boots there's a tendencies to bring them back down to your level. Look what happened to Mike. Biggest star in the world, people decided he was too big and famous for his own good and turned on him.

yep. :yes:
Where I come from we call it "Bedroom Syndrome" meaning that people just have to know whats going on in everyone else's lives at every moment. Sad thing is, in a small town it's not limited to celebs (trust me I've been the subject under the microscope more than a few times....)
Tall poppy syndrome (TPS) is a term used in Australasia for a levelling social attitude, pushed to the point of bad behaviour. Someone has tall poppy syndrome when they are envious, defamatory, or overly critical of someone because of their notionally higher economic, social or political position.

Wow, perfectly put indeed. My sister must be suffering from a severe form :doh: :lol:

I agree, usually gossip comes from envy, but also from the fact that some lack (or so they think) an interesting life; I believe that when you're busy enough living your life, you don't have time to worry about who's sleeping with who or who got high last night. You just cease to care. But if you're bored to death, even a moth flying around you can begin to seem entertaining :lol:

I used to read gossip magazines till I became a MJ fan - aprox. 6 years ago. (actually, becoming a fan changed me in many ways :lol: ) Getting to know him made me realize what negative effects the press and gossip in general can have on people: both the celebrities and those discussing. I simply lost interest in such stuff, and became very skeptical when reading anything.

Right now, I only read about those artists that I really care about, and carefully select the articles that I find reliable; oh, and I could say that I'm always keen on watching/reading interviews, gives me the feeling that I can understand the artist and their work better :D
In fact, it rarely happens for me to be a fan of the artist without being a fan of the person as well. (even if there aren't many things that I appreciate about them) It's very important for me that an artist believes in his/her work and that I understand it properly. I think it's one of the reasons why I find it hard to be a fan of recent celebrities - many of their actions are nothing more than publicity stunts meant to make them sell, and what they sell sounds so commercial and superficial that I can't help wondering if they went into show-biz for the fame or out passion for a certain art.

I think I may have gone a bit off topic on the way :lol: But I was trying to explain why I could be interested in a celebrity's personal life - not for the pleasure of gossipping (not that I find any pleasure in it), but because I want to understand those who I admire :)
its really shit and the day I take to it I'l know that I need to get a hobby and a purpose in life